consumers library


addVideosGrid(AddVideosGridOptions options) Future<void>
Adds video and audio streams of participants to the main and alternate grids based on specified options.
autoAdjust(AutoAdjustOptions options) Future<List<int>>
Adjusts values based on the provided options and the number of participants.
calculateRowsAndColumns(CalculateRowsAndColumnsOptions options) List<int>
Calculates the number of rows and columns needed to display a given number of items in a grid.
changeVids(ChangeVidsOptions options) Future<void>
Changes the video streams on the screen based on the provided options and parameters.
checkGrid(CheckGridOptions options) Future<List>
Checks the grid configuration and calculates various parameters based on the number of rows, columns, and active elements.
checkPermission(CheckPermissionOptions options) Future<int>
Checks the permission based on the provided settings.
checkScreenShare(CheckScreenShareOptions options) Future<void>
Checks and manages screen sharing status, initiating or stopping screen share actions based on conditions.
closeAndResize(CloseAndResizeOptions options) Future<void>
Manages the closing and resizing of streams within a media session, adapting the layout and updating participant and stream information as needed.
compareActiveNames(CompareActiveNamesOptions options) Future<void>
Compares the current activeNames list with the prevActiveNames list and triggers an action if there are any differences. The function updates prevActiveNames after the comparison to keep track of changes.
compareScreenStates(CompareScreenStatesOptions options) Future<void>
Compares the current screenStates list with the prevScreenStates list and triggers actions if there are differences. This is useful for detecting changes in screen states and responding accordingly in a real-time application.
connectRecvTransport(ConnectRecvTransportOptions options) Future<void>
Establishes a connection for the receiving transport to consume media from a remote producer and resumes the consumer stream.
connectSendTransport(ConnectSendTransportOptions options) Future<void>
Connects send transport for audio, video, or screen based on the specified option.
connectSendTransportAudio(ConnectSendTransportAudioOptions options) Future<void>
Sets up and connects the audio stream for media sharing, handling updates to local audio streams and producer transports.
connectSendTransportScreen(ConnectSendTransportScreenOptions options) Future<void>
Sets up and initiates the screen-sharing transport connection, configuring codec options and producing a video track for screen sharing.
connectSendTransportVideo(ConnectSendTransportVideoOptions options) Future<void>
Establishes a video transport connection, configuring video encoding and codec options for video transmission.
consumerResume(ConsumerResumeOptions options) Future<void>
Handles the resumption of a media stream (either audio or video) by managing the socket connections, updating the UI, and reordering streams as necessary.
createSendTransport(CreateSendTransportOptions options) Future<void>
Creates a WebRTC send transport for media transmission (audio, video, or screen).
disconnectSendTransportAudio(DisconnectSendTransportAudioOptions options) Future<void>
Disconnects the send transport for audio by pausing the audio producer(s) and updating the UI accordingly.
disconnectSendTransportScreen(DisconnectSendTransportScreenOptions options) Future<void>
Disconnects the send transport for screen sharing by closing the screen producer and notifying the server.
disconnectSendTransportVideo(DisconnectSendTransportVideoOptions options) Future<void>
Disconnects the send transport for video by closing the video producer(s), updating the UI, and notifying the server.
dispStreams(DispStreamsOptions options) Future<void>
Displays streams in the media application based on a range of parameters and conditions.
getEstimate(GetEstimateOptions options) List<int>
Estimates the number of rows and columns based on the provided options.
getPipedProducersAlt(GetPipedProducersAltOptions options) Future<void>
Retrieves piped producers and signals new consumer transport for each retrieved producer.
getVideos({required GetVideosOptions options}) Future<void>
Processes and updates video streams by filtering out the admin's video stream.
mixStreams({required MixStreamsOptions options}) Future<List<Stream>>
Mixes video and audio streams and participants based on specified parameters.
newPipeProducer(NewPipeProducerOptions options) Future<void>
Initiates a new pipe producer by signaling a new consumer transport and updating display settings as needed.
onScreenChanges(OnScreenChangesOptions options) Future<void>
Handles screen changes and adjusts the display settings based on event type and screen sharing status.
prepopulateUserMedia(PrepopulateUserMediaOptions options) Future<List<Widget>?>
Populates the main media grid with video, audio, or mini-cards based on the media activity of the participant.
processConsumerTransports(ProcessConsumerTransportsOptions options) Future<void>
Processes consumer transports to pause or resume video streams based on provided stream lists.
processConsumerTransportsAudio(ProcessConsumerTransportsAudioOptions options) Future<void>
Adjusts the audio state of consumer transports based on provided streams.
producerClosed(ProducerClosedOptions options) Future<void>
Handles the closure of a producer identified by its remote producer ID. This function updates the consumer transports and triggers close-and-resize operations.
readjust({required ReadjustOptions options}) Future<void>
Adjusts the layout parameters based on the current state, participant count, and event type.
receiveAllPipedTransports(ReceiveAllPipedTransportsOptions options) Future<void>
Receives all piped transports for a specific room and member by requesting piped producers at different levels.
receiveRoomMessages(ReceiveRoomMessagesOptions options) Future<void>
Retrieves messages from a specified room using a socket connection.
reorderStreams(ReorderStreamsOptions options) Future<void>
Reorders video streams in the participant grid based on user roles and screen share status.
rePort(RePortOptions options) Future<void>
Re-ports the screen states and active names for the main screen in a conference or event session.
requestScreenShare(RequestScreenShareOptions options) Future<void>
Requests permission to start screen sharing or initiates screen sharing if in local UI mode.
resumePauseAudioStreams({required ResumePauseAudioStreamsOptions options}) Future<void>
Resumes or pauses audio streams for participants based on breakout room status and event type.
resumePauseStreams({required ResumePauseStreamsOptions options}) Future<void>
Resumes or pauses video streams based on active participants and display names.
resumeSendTransportAudio({required ResumeSendTransportAudioOptions options}) Future<void>
Resumes the send transport for audio and updates the UI and audio producer state accordingly.
reUpdateInter(ReUpdateInterOptions options) Future<void>
Updates the layout or content of the media streams based on user activity, screen share, or conference settings.
signalNewConsumerTransport(SignalNewConsumerTransportOptions options) Future<void>
Signals the creation of a new consumer transport.
startShareScreen(StartShareScreenOptions options) Future<void>
Starts the screen sharing process.
stopShareScreen(StopShareScreenOptions options) Future<void>
Stops the screen sharing process and updates various states and UI elements accordingly.
streamSuccessAudio(StreamSuccessAudioOptions options) Future<void>
Manages the setup and successful transition of audio streaming by configuring necessary transports, updating audio settings, and updating UI state as required.
streamSuccessAudioSwitch(StreamSuccessAudioSwitchOptions options) Future<void>
Manages switching to a new audio stream, updating the audio producer, local streams, and UI state as necessary.
streamSuccessScreen(StreamSuccessScreenOptions options) Future<void>
Handles the successful initiation and management of screen sharing, including setting up necessary transports, managing screen states, and updating the user interface accordingly.
streamSuccessVideo(StreamSuccessVideoOptions options) Future<void>
Handles successful video streaming setup by initializing video transports, managing UI states, and updating participant information to reflect the video status.
switchUserAudio({required SwitchUserAudioOptions options}) Future<void>
Switches the user's audio input to the specified device.
switchUserVideo(SwitchUserVideoOptions options) Future<void>
Toggles or switches the video stream based on user preferences and permission checks.
switchUserVideoAlt(SwitchUserVideoAltOptions options) Future<void>
Switches video input devices, handling permission checks, device switching, and error handling.
trigger(TriggerOptions options) Future<void>
Triggers a screen update based on various conditions and adjusts layouts as needed.
updateMiniCardsGrid(UpdateMiniCardsGridOptions options) Future<void>
Updates the mini cards grid layout based on the specified configuration.
updateParticipantAudioDecibels(UpdateParticipantAudioDecibelsOptions options) → void
Updates the audio decibels for a participant.