readjust function

Future<void> readjust(
  1. {required ReadjustOptions options}

Adjusts the layout parameters based on the current state, participant count, and event type.

This function recalculates layout values to determine the main and secondary display areas for participants in a media application. It considers various factors such as whether screen sharing is active, the type of event (e.g., conference, broadcast, chat), and the number of participants. If the layout changes, it triggers a function to prepopulate user media.


  • options (ReadjustOptions): Options for the adjustment, containing:
    • n (int): The participant count, influencing layout decisions.
    • state (int): The current layout state (0 for initial layout, others for adjustments).
    • parameters (ReadjustParameters): Includes:
      • eventType: The type of event being held (e.g., conference, broadcast).
      • shareScreenStarted: Indicates if screen sharing is in progress.
      • shared: Indicates if media is shared among participants.
      • mainHeightWidth: Current main area height/width used for layout.
      • prevMainHeightWidth: Previous height/width for comparison.
      • hostLabel: The name of the host, affecting layout if they are present.
      • firstRound: Indicates if this is the first adjustment round.
      • lockScreen: Indicates if the screen is locked.
      • updateMainHeightWidth: A function to update the main height/width value.
      • prepopulateUserMedia: A function to prepopulate media when layout changes.


  • Future<void>: Completes when the adjustment is finished. Handles any errors that occur during execution.

Example Usage:

final readjustParams = ReadjustParameters(
  eventType: EventType.conference,
  shareScreenStarted: false,
  shared: false,
  mainHeightWidth: 50.0,
  prevMainHeightWidth: 50.0,
  hostLabel: 'HostUser',
  firstRound: true,
  lockScreen: false,
  updateMainHeightWidth: (width) => print('Updated width: $width'),
  prepopulateUserMedia: (name, params) async {
    print('Prepopulating media for $name');
  getUpdatedAllParams: () => updatedParams, // Function that provides updated parameters

await readjust(
  options: ReadjustOptions(
    n: 5,
    state: 1,
    parameters: readjustParams,

Error Handling:

  • Logs any errors encountered during the adjustment process to the debug console.


Future<void> readjust({
  required ReadjustOptions options,
}) async {
  ReadjustParameters parameters = options.parameters.getUpdatedAllParams();
  final int n = options.n;
  final int state = options.state;

  try {
    // Destructure parameters
    final EventType eventType = parameters.eventType;
    final bool shareScreenStarted = parameters.shareScreenStarted;
    final bool shared = parameters.shared;
    double mainHeightWidth = parameters.mainHeightWidth;
    double prevMainHeightWidth = parameters.prevMainHeightWidth;
    final String hostLabel = parameters.hostLabel;
    final bool firstRound = parameters.firstRound;
    final bool lockScreen = parameters.lockScreen;

    // Logic to update the layout parameters based on the state and event conditions
    if (state == 0) {
      prevMainHeightWidth = mainHeightWidth;

    int val1 = 6;
    int val2 = 12 - val1;
    int cal1 = ((val1 / 12) * 100).floor();
    int cal2 = 100 - cal1;

    if (eventType == EventType.broadcast) {
      val1 = 0;
      val2 = 12;
      if (n == 0) {
        val1 = 0;
        val2 = 12;
    } else if (eventType == ||
        (eventType == EventType.conference &&
            !(shareScreenStarted || shared))) {
      val1 = 12;
      val2 = 0;
    } else if (shareScreenStarted || shared) {
      val1 = 2;
      val2 = 10;
    } else {
      // Adjust layout based on participant count
      if (n == 0) {
        val1 = 1;
      } else if (n < 4) {
        val1 = 4;
      } else if (n < 6) {
        val1 = 6;
      } else if (n < 12) {
        val1 = 8;
      } else {
        val1 = 10;
      val2 = 12 - val1;

    if (state == 0) {
      mainHeightWidth = val2.toDouble();

    cal1 = ((val1 / 12) * 100).floor();
    cal2 = 100 - cal1;

    // Trigger media prepopulation if layout changed
    if (prevMainHeightWidth != mainHeightWidth) {
      if (!lockScreen && !shared || !firstRound) {
        final optionsPrepopulate = PrepopulateUserMediaOptions(
          name: hostLabel,
          parameters: parameters,
        await parameters.prepopulateUserMedia(
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print("Error updating layout: $error");