disconnectSendTransportAudio function
Disconnects the send transport for audio by pausing the audio producer(s) and updating the UI accordingly.
This function supports both a primary and a local audio producer, delegating local handling to a separate function.
): Contains the parameters required for disconnecting the audio send transport.
- Pause Primary Audio Producer:
- If an active primary audio producer exists, it is paused, and the primary state is updated.
- Update UI:
- Based on conditions (such as video status, user level, and screen lock status), the main window UI is updated.
- If no video is active and certain conditions are met, user media may be prepopulated.
- Notify Server:
- Emits a
event to the server to notify about the paused primary audio producer.
- Emits a
- Handle Local Audio Transport:
- Invokes
to handle the local audio transport disconnection.
- Invokes
- A
that completes when the audio send transport(s) are successfully disconnected.
Error Handling:
- Logs errors to the console in debug mode and rethrows them for higher-level handling.
Example Usage:
final options = DisconnectSendTransportAudioOptions(
parameters: MyDisconnectSendTransportAudioParameters(
audioProducer: myAudioProducer,
localAudioProducer: myLocalAudioProducer,
socket: mySocket,
localSocket: myLocalSocket,
videoAlreadyOn: false,
islevel: '1',
lockScreen: false,
shared: false,
updateMainWindow: true,
hostLabel: 'Host',
roomName: 'Room 1',
updateAudioProducer: (producer) => print('Updated audio producer: $producer'),
updateLocalAudioProducer: (producer) => print('Updated local audio producer: $producer'),
updateUpdateMainWindow: (state) => print('Main window state updated: $state'),
prepopulateUserMedia: myPrepopulateUserMediaFunction,
.then(() => print('Audio send transport disconnected successfully'))
.catchError((error) => print('Error disconnecting audio send transport: $error'));
- This function integrates with
to manage the state of the main window if video is inactive and specific conditions are met. - It assumes that the server listens to
events and takes appropriate action upon receiving it.
Future<void> disconnectSendTransportAudio(
DisconnectSendTransportAudioOptions options) async {
try {
// Destructure parameters using getters
final parameters = options.parameters;
final Producer? audioProducer = parameters.audioProducer;
final io.Socket? socket = parameters.socket;
final bool videoAlreadyOn = parameters.videoAlreadyOn;
final String islevel = parameters.islevel;
final bool lockScreen = parameters.lockScreen;
final bool shared = parameters.shared;
bool updateMainWindow = parameters.updateMainWindow;
final String hostLabel = parameters.hostLabel;
final String roomName = parameters.roomName;
// Callback functions
final void Function(Producer? audioProducer) updateAudioProducer =
final void Function(bool updateMainWindow) updateUpdateMainWindow =
// mediasfu function
final PrepopulateUserMediaType prepopulateUserMedia =
// Pause the audio producer
if (audioProducer != null) {
// Update the UI based on conditions
if (!videoAlreadyOn && islevel == '2') {
if (!lockScreen && !shared) {
updateMainWindow = true;
// Prepopulate user media
final optionsPrepopulate = PrepopulateUserMediaOptions(
name: hostLabel,
parameters: parameters,
await prepopulateUserMedia(
updateMainWindow = false;
// Notify the server about pausing the audio producer
socket!.emit('pauseProducerMedia', {
'mediaTag': 'audio',
'roomName': roomName,
// Handle local audio transport disconnection
try {
await disconnectLocalSendTransportAudio(options);
} catch (localError) {
if (kDebugMode) {
print('Error disconnecting local audio send transport: $localError');
// Optionally, handle the local error (e.g., show a notification)
} catch (error) {
if (kDebugMode) {
print('MediaSFU - disconnectSendTransportAudio error: $error');
// Handle errors as needed (e.g., show alert, retry logic)