stopShareScreen function

Future<void> stopShareScreen(
  1. StopShareScreenOptions options

Stops the screen sharing process and updates various states and UI elements accordingly.

This function is designed to stop the screen sharing session and reset related states. It performs several key actions:

  1. Resets screen sharing states (shared, shareScreenStarted, shareEnded) and updates main UI flags.
  2. Stops the local screen stream and disconnects the transport for screen sharing.
  3. Manages screen annotation states by toggling the annotation overlay as needed.
  4. Prepopulates user media and triggers a reordering of video streams if layout changes are necessary.


  • options (StopShareScreenOptions): Configuration options that include:

    • parameters: (StopShareScreenParameters) - This includes necessary configurations and functions:
      • shared (bool): Whether screen sharing is active.
      • shareScreenStarted (bool): Indicates if screen sharing has started.
      • shareEnded (bool): Marks the end of screen sharing.
      • updateMainWindow (bool): Controls UI main window updates.
      • deferReceive (bool): Delays receiving streams if needed.
      • hostLabel (String): Host label for UI updates.
      • lockScreen (bool): Locks screen if true.
      • forceFullDisplay (bool): Enforces full display settings.
      • firstAll (bool): Indicates if this is the first display round.
      • firstRound (bool): Tracks the first round of screen sharing.
      • localStreamScreen (MediaStream?): Local screen media stream.
      • eventType (EventType): The type of event (e.g., conference, chat, etc.).
      • prevForceFullDisplay (bool): Previous full display state.
      • annotateScreenStream (bool): Whether screen annotation is enabled.
  • Update Functions: Various callbacks to update states:

    • updateShared, updateShareScreenStarted, updateShareEnded, etc., which update specific flags and settings as the sharing state changes.
  • MediaSFU Functions:

    • disconnectSendTransportScreen (DisconnectSendTransportScreenType): Disconnects the transport.
    • prepopulateUserMedia (PrepopulateUserMediaType): Prepopulates user media in the UI.
    • reorderStreams (ReorderStreamsType): Reorders the streams to adapt to new layout changes.
    • getVideos (GetVideosType): Retrieves video streams.

Example Usage:

final parameters = StopShareScreenParameters(
  shared: true,
  shareScreenStarted: true,
  shareEnded: false,
  updateMainWindow: true,
  deferReceive: false,
  hostLabel: "Host",
  lockScreen: false,
  forceFullDisplay: false,
  firstAll: false,
  firstRound: false,
  localStreamScreen: localStream,
  eventType: EventType.conference,
  prevForceFullDisplay: false,
  annotateScreenStream: false,
  updateShared: (value) => print("Shared: $value"),
  // Additional update functions...

final options = StopShareScreenOptions(parameters: parameters);

await stopShareScreen(options);

Error Handling:

  • Errors encountered during actions like stopping streams, disconnecting transport, or prepopulating media are logged for debugging purposes.


Future<void> stopShareScreen(StopShareScreenOptions options) async {
  // Retrieve updated parameters
  StopShareScreenParameters parameters =

  // Destructure necessary properties
  bool shared = parameters.shared;
  bool shareScreenStarted = parameters.shareScreenStarted;
  bool shareEnded = parameters.shareEnded;
  bool updateMainWindow = parameters.updateMainWindow;
  bool deferReceive = parameters.deferReceive;
  String hostLabel = parameters.hostLabel;
  bool lockScreen = parameters.lockScreen;
  bool forceFullDisplay = parameters.forceFullDisplay;
  bool firstAll = parameters.firstAll;
  bool firstRound = parameters.firstRound;
  MediaStream? localStreamScreen = parameters.localStreamScreen;
  EventType eventType = parameters.eventType;
  bool prevForceFullDisplay = parameters.prevForceFullDisplay;
  bool annotateScreenStream = parameters.annotateScreenStream;

  // Update functions
  void Function(bool) updateShared = parameters.updateShared;
  void Function(bool) updateShareScreenStarted =
  void Function(bool) updateShareEnded = parameters.updateShareEnded;
  void Function(bool) updateUpdateMainWindow =
  void Function(bool) updateDeferReceive = parameters.updateDeferReceive;
  void Function(bool) updateLockScreen = parameters.updateLockScreen;
  void Function(bool) updateForceFullDisplay =
  void Function(bool) updateFirstAll = parameters.updateFirstAll;
  void Function(bool) updateFirstRound = parameters.updateFirstRound;
  void Function(MediaStream?) updateLocalStreamScreen =
  void Function(double) updateMainHeightWidth =
  void Function(bool) updateAnnotateScreenStream =
  void Function(bool) updateIsScreenboardModalVisible =

  // mediasfu functions
  DisconnectSendTransportScreenType disconnectSendTransportScreen =
  PrepopulateUserMediaType prepopulateUserMedia =
  ReorderStreamsType reorderStreams = parameters.reorderStreams;
  GetVideosType getVideos = parameters.getVideos;

  // Begin updating states
  shared = false;
  shareScreenStarted = false;
  shareEnded = true;
  updateMainWindow = true;

  // Handle deferReceive
  if (deferReceive) {
    deferReceive = false;
    final optionsGet = GetVideosOptions(
        participants: parameters.participants,
        allVideoStreams: parameters.allVideoStreams,
        oldAllStreams: parameters.oldAllStreams,
        adminVidID: parameters.adminVidID,
        updateAllVideoStreams: parameters.updateAllVideoStreams,
        updateOldAllStreams: parameters.updateOldAllStreams);

    await getVideos(options: optionsGet);

  // Stop all tracks in the local screen stream
  if (localStreamScreen != null) {
    try {
      await Future.wait(localStreamScreen.getTracks().map((track) async {
        await track.stop();
    } catch (error) {
      if (kDebugMode) {
        print("Error stopping localStreamScreen tracks: $error");

  // Disconnect send transport screen
  try {
    final optionsDisconnect =
        DisconnectSendTransportScreenOptions(parameters: parameters);
    await disconnectSendTransportScreen(optionsDisconnect);
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print("Error disconnecting send transport screen: $error");

  // Handle screen annotation
  if (annotateScreenStream) {
    annotateScreenStream = false;
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));

  // Update mainHeightWidth if event type is conference
  if (eventType == EventType.conference) {

  // Prepopulate user media
  try {
    final optionsPrepopulate =
        PrepopulateUserMediaOptions(name: hostLabel, parameters: parameters);
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print("Error in prepopulateUserMedia: $error");

  // Reorder streams
  try {
    final optionsReorder =
        ReorderStreamsOptions(screenChanged: true, parameters: parameters);
    await reorderStreams(
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print("Error in reorderStreams: $error");

  // Reset UI states
  lockScreen = false;
  forceFullDisplay = prevForceFullDisplay;
  firstAll = false;
  firstRound = false;