updateMiniCardsGrid function
- UpdateMiniCardsGridOptions options
Updates the mini cards grid layout based on the specified configuration.
This function calculates the dimensions of each grid cell and updates either
the main grid or an alternative grid based on defal
. The layout calculation
considers pagination adjustments, event-specific spacing, and component dimensions.
- The number of rows in the grid.cols
- The number of columns in the grid.defal
- Iftrue
, updates the main grid; iffalse
, updates an alternative grid.actualRows
- The effective row count used for layout calculations.
Example usage:
final params = UpdateMiniCardsGridParameters(
updateGridRows: (rows) => print('Updated grid rows: $rows'),
updateGridCols: (cols) => print('Updated grid cols: $cols'),
updateAltGridRows: (rows) => print('Updated alt grid rows: $rows'),
updateAltGridCols: (cols) => print('Updated alt grid cols: $cols'),
updateGridSizes: (gridSizes) => print('Updated grid sizes: $gridSizes'),
gridSizes: GridSizes(gridWidth: 100, gridHeight: 100, altGridWidth: 80, altGridHeight: 80),
paginationDirection: 'horizontal',
paginationHeightWidth: 30.0,
doPaginate: true,
componentSizes: ComponentSizes(otherWidth: 500, otherHeight: 300),
eventType: EventType.chat,
getUpdatedAllParams: () => params,
final options = UpdateMiniCardsGridOptions(
rows: 3,
cols: 4,
defal: true,
actualRows: 3,
parameters: params,
await updateMiniCardsGrid(options);
Future<void> updateMiniCardsGrid(UpdateMiniCardsGridOptions options) async {
// Retrieve updated parameters
var parameters = options.parameters.getUpdatedAllParams();
// Destructure parameters
final updateGridRows = parameters.updateGridRows;
final updateGridCols = parameters.updateGridCols;
final updateAltGridRows = parameters.updateAltGridRows;
final updateAltGridCols = parameters.updateAltGridCols;
final updateGridSizes = parameters.updateGridSizes;
// Grid configuration
var gridSizes = parameters.gridSizes;
final paginationDirection = parameters.paginationDirection;
final paginationHeightWidth = parameters.paginationHeightWidth;
final doPaginate = parameters.doPaginate;
final componentSizes = parameters.componentSizes;
final eventType = parameters.eventType;
double containerWidth = componentSizes.otherWidth;
double containerHeight = componentSizes.otherHeight;
// Adjust container size for pagination if enabled
if (doPaginate) {
if (paginationDirection == 'horizontal') {
containerHeight -= paginationHeightWidth;
} else {
containerWidth -= paginationHeightWidth;
int cardSpacing = eventType == EventType.chat ? 0 : 3;
final totalSpacingHorizontal = (options.cols - 1) * cardSpacing;
final totalSpacingVertical = (options.actualRows - 1) * cardSpacing;
// Calculate individual card dimensions
final cardWidth = options.cols == 0 || options.actualRows == 0
? 0
: ((containerWidth - totalSpacingHorizontal) / options.cols).floor();
final cardHeight = options.cols == 0 || options.actualRows == 0
? 0
: ((containerHeight - totalSpacingVertical) / options.actualRows).floor();
// Update grid or alternative grid based on `defal` flag
if (options.defal) {
gridSizes = GridSizes(
gridWidth: cardWidth,
gridHeight: cardHeight,
altGridWidth: gridSizes.altGridWidth,
altGridHeight: gridSizes.altGridHeight,
} else {
gridSizes = GridSizes(
gridWidth: gridSizes.gridWidth,
gridHeight: gridSizes.gridHeight,
altGridWidth: cardWidth,
altGridHeight: cardHeight,