switchUserVideoAlt function
- SwitchUserVideoAltOptions options
Switches video input devices, handling permission checks, device switching, and error handling.
- Permission Check: Verifies camera access before proceeding; prompts user if access is not granted.
- Device Switching: Attempts to switch to the specified video input device, adjusting constraints.
- Error Handling: Checks for alternative video devices if the preferred device is unavailable.
): Contains:videoPreference
: ID or type of the preferred video input device (e.g., "front" or "back").checkoff
: Boolean to skip device click handling if true.parameters
): The parameters needed for switching, including:audioOnlyRoom
: Boolean indicating if the event is audio-only (prevents video activation).frameRate
: Desired frame rate for the video.vidCons
: Constraints for video resolution, including width and height.showAlert
: Optional function for displaying alerts to the user.hasCameraPermission
: Boolean to track camera permission status.checkMediaPermission
: Boolean to control if media permissions should be checked.requestPermissionCamera
: Function to request camera permission if needed.streamSuccessVideo
: Function to handle successful video stream setup.sleep
: Function to introduce a delay when switching video input devices.
Permission and Audio-Only Check:
- If the event is audio-only, an alert is displayed, and the process exits early.
- If the camera permission is not granted, it prompts the user to enable camera access.
Device Switching:
- Defines video constraints based on the video preference and frame rate.
- Attempts to acquire the video stream with the preferred device.
Error Handling:
- If the preferred device is unavailable, the function attempts to access alternative devices based on the user preference.
- If all attempts fail, an alert informs the user to retry after toggling the video.
Example Usage:
final parameters = SwitchUserVideoAltParameters(
audioOnlyRoom: false,
frameRate: 30,
vidCons: VidCons(width: 1280, height: 720),
showAlert: (message, type, duration) => print('Alert: $message'),
hasCameraPermission: true,
updateVideoSwitching: (switching) => print('Video Switching: $switching'),
updateCurrentFacingMode: (facingMode) => print('Current Facing Mode: $facingMode'),
requestPermissionCamera: myRequestPermissionFunction,
streamSuccessVideo: myStreamSuccessVideoFunction,
sleep: mySleepFunction,
checkMediaPermission: true,
await switchUserVideoAlt(
options: SwitchUserVideoAltOptions(
videoPreference: 'user', // Switch to front camera
checkoff: false,
parameters: parameters,
Error Handling:
- Checks for alternative devices if the preferred device is unavailable.
- Updates the facing mode to its previous state if switching fails.
- Displays an alert if the camera access fails or if an alternative device cannot be accessed.
Future<void> switchUserVideoAlt(SwitchUserVideoAltOptions options) async {
final params = options.parameters.getUpdatedAllParams();
final audioOnlyRoom = params.audioOnlyRoom;
final frameRate = params.frameRate;
final vidCons = params.vidCons;
final showAlert = params.showAlert;
final hasCameraPermission = params.hasCameraPermission;
final updateVideoSwitching = params.updateVideoSwitching;
final updateCurrentFacingMode = params.updateCurrentFacingMode;
final checkMediaPermission = params.checkMediaPermission;
String currentFacingMode = params.currentFacingMode;
final prevFacingMode = params.prevFacingMode;
final requestPermissionCamera = params.requestPermissionCamera;
final streamSuccessVideo = params.streamSuccessVideo;
final sleep = params.sleep;
try {
if (audioOnlyRoom) {
message: 'You cannot turn on your camera in an audio-only event.',
type: 'danger',
duration: 3000,
if (!options.checkoff) {
final optionsClick = ClickVideoOptions(
parameters: params,
await clickVideo(optionsClick);
await sleep(SleepOptions(ms: 500));
if (!hasCameraPermission && checkMediaPermission) {
final statusCamera = await requestPermissionCamera();
if (!statusCamera) {
'Allow access to your camera or check if it’s not being used by another application.',
type: 'danger',
duration: 3000,
List<MediaDeviceInfo> videoDevices =
await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
Map<String, dynamic> mediaConstraints = _buildMediaConstraints(
vidCons: vidCons,
frameRate: frameRate,
videoPreference: options.videoPreference,
await _attemptStream(
} catch (error) {
await _handleStreamError(
videoDevices: await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(),
vidCons: vidCons,
frameRate: frameRate,
videoPreference: options.videoPreference,
streamSuccessVideo: streamSuccessVideo,
currentFacingMode: currentFacingMode,
prevFacingMode: prevFacingMode,
updateCurrentFacingMode: updateCurrentFacingMode,
showAlert: showAlert,
parameters: params,