→ Map<String, dynamic>
This map contains the initial values for the state in the application.
It includes various properties related to the meeting room, participants, recording, audio/video settings, and more.
breakoutRoomUpdated(BreakoutRoomUpdatedOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Handles breakout room updates based on the received data and parameters.
checkLimitsAndMakeRequest({required String apiUserName, required String apiToken, required String link, required String userName, required PreJoinPageParameters parameters, bool validate = true})
→ Future<void>
clickAudio(ClickAudioOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Toggles audio for a user, either enabling or disabling the microphone.
clickScreenShare(ClickScreenShareOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Handles the action for the screen button, including starting and stopping screen sharing.
clickVideo(ClickVideoOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Toggles the video stream on or off based on the user's input and checks required permissions and constraints.
confirmRecording(ConfirmRecordingOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Confirms the recording based on the provided parameters.
connectIps(ConnectIpsOptions options)
→ Future<List>
Connects to multiple remote IPs to manage socket connections for media consumption.
connectLocalIps(ConnectLocalIpsOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Connects to a local socket and manages socket events for media consumption.
createRoomOnMediaSFU(CreateMediaSFUOptions options)
→ Future<CreateJoinRoomResult>
formatNumber(FormatNumberOptions options)
→ Future<String?>
Formats a given number into a human-readable string representation with suffixes (K, M, B).
generateRandomMessages(GenerateRandomMessagesOptions options)
→ List<Message>
Generates random messages for a chat application based on specified options.
generateRandomParticipants(GenerateRandomParticipantsOptions options)
→ List<Participant>
Generates a list of random participants for a meeting based on specified options.
generateRandomPolls(GenerateRandomPollsOptions options)
→ List<Poll>
Generates a list of random polls for testing.
generateRandomRequestList(GenerateRandomRequestListOptions options)
→ List<Request>
Generates a list of random requests for participants, excluding the host and co-host.
→ List<WaitingRoomParticipant>
Generates a random list of participants for a waiting room.
handleCreatePoll(HandleCreatePollOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Handles the creation of a poll by emitting a "createPoll" event with the provided details.
Shows an alert based on the success or failure of the operation.
handleEndPoll(HandleEndPollOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Handles ending a poll by emitting an "endPoll" event through the provided socket.
Displays an alert based on the success or failure of the operation.
handleVotePoll(HandleVotePollOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Handles the voting process for a poll.
joinRoomOnMediaSFU(JoinMediaSFUOptions options)
→ Future<CreateJoinRoomResult>
launchBreakoutRooms(LaunchBreakoutRoomsOptions options)
→ void
Launches the breakout rooms by toggling the visibility of the breakout rooms modal.
launchCoHost(LaunchCoHostOptions options)
→ void
Toggles the visibility of the co-host modal.
launchConfirmExit(LaunchConfirmExitOptions options)
→ void
Toggles the visibility of the confirmation exit modal.
launchDisplaySettings(LaunchDisplaySettingsOptions options)
→ void
Toggles the visibility of the display settings modal.
launchMediaSettings(LaunchMediaSettingsOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Launches the media settings modal and updates the available audio and video input devices.
Toggles the visibility of the menu modal.
launchMessages(LaunchMessagesOptions options)
→ void
Toggles the visibility state of the messages modal.
launchParticipants(LaunchParticipantsOptions options)
→ void
Toggles the visibility of the participants modal.
launchPoll(LaunchPollOptions options)
→ void
Toggles the visibility of the poll modal based on the current state.
launchRecording(LaunchRecordingOptions options)
→ void
Launches the recording process based on various conditions and updates the UI accordingly.
launchRequests(LaunchRequestsOptions options)
→ void
Toggles the visibility state of the requests modal.
launchSettings(LaunchSettingsOptions options)
→ void
Toggles the visibility state of the settings modal.
launchWaiting(LaunchWaitingOptions options)
→ void
Launches the waiting modal and toggles its visibility state.
pollUpdated(PollUpdatedOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Updates the poll state based on the provided options.
sleep(SleepOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Suspends the execution of the current isolate for the specified
startMeetingProgressTimer({required StartMeetingProgressTimerOptions options})
→ void
Starts a timer to track the progress of a meeting.
startRecording(StartRecordingOptions options)
→ Future<bool?>
Starts the recording process, managing different states and actions based on recording options.
stopRecording(StopRecordingOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Stops the recording process, managing different states and actions based on current recording status.
switchVideoAlt(SwitchVideoAltOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Switches the user's video device with alternate logic, taking into account recording state and camera access permissions.
updateRecording(UpdateRecordingOptions options)
→ Future<void>
Updates the recording based on the given parameters, managing recording start,
pause, and resume states, as well as providing alerts for required conditions.