generateRandomParticipants function

List<Participant> generateRandomParticipants(
  1. GenerateRandomParticipantsOptions options

Generates a list of random participants for a meeting based on specified options.

This function creates a randomized list of participants for a meeting or broadcast session, placing the specified member, coHost, and host at the beginning of the list if they are not already included. When forChatBroadcast is true, only two participants are included to simulate a broadcast chat environment.


  • options - An instance of GenerateRandomParticipantsOptions containing:
    • member: The name of the main member to be included in the list.
    • coHost: An optional name for the co-host to be included in the list.
    • host: The name of the host, set to have a unique level in the list.
    • forChatBroadcast: If true, limits the list to two participants for broadcast.


A list of Participant objects with randomized names, levels, and muted states.

Example Usage:

// Define the options for generating random participants
final options = GenerateRandomParticipantsOptions(
  member: 'John Doe',
  coHost: 'Jane Smith',
  host: 'Host1',
  forChatBroadcast: false, // Set to true for a broadcast session

// Generate the participants list
List<Participant> participants = generateRandomParticipants(options);

// Print participant details
participants.forEach((participant) {
      'Name: ${}, Level: ${participant.islevel}, Muted: ${participant.muted}');
// Expected output:
// Name: Host1, Level: 2, Muted: false
// Name: Jane Smith, Level: 1, Muted: true
// Name: John Doe, Level: 1, Muted: false
// ...


List<Participant> generateRandomParticipants(
    GenerateRandomParticipantsOptions options) {
  List<String> names = [

  // Limit names to 2 if for chat broadcast
  if (options.forChatBroadcast) {
    names = names.take(2).toList();

  // Place member, coHost, and host at the beginning if not already included
  if (!names.contains(options.member)) {
    names.insert(0, options.member);
  if (options.coHost != null &&
      !names.contains(options.coHost) &&
      !options.forChatBroadcast) {
    names.insert(0, options.coHost!);
  if (!names.contains( {

  // Remove names of length 1 or less
  names = names.where((name) => name.length > 1).toList();

  // Shuffle the names to ensure unique positions
  List<String> shuffledNames = List.from(names);
  for (int i = shuffledNames.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    int j = Random().nextInt(i + 1);
    String temp = shuffledNames[i];
    shuffledNames[i] = shuffledNames[j];
    shuffledNames[j] = temp;

  bool hasLevel2Participant = false;
  List<Participant> participants = [];

  // Generate participant objects
  for (int i = 0; i < shuffledNames.length; i++) {
    String randomName = shuffledNames[i];
    String randomLevel = hasLevel2Participant
        ? '1'
        : randomName ==
            ? '2'
            : '1'; // Set `islevel` to '2' only once
    bool randomMuted = options.forChatBroadcast
        ? true
        : Random().nextBool(); // Set muted to true for chat broadcast

    if (randomLevel == '2') {
      hasLevel2Participant = true;

      name: randomName,
      islevel: randomLevel,
      muted: randomMuted,
      id: i.toString(),
      audioID: 'audio-$i',
      videoID: 'video-$i',

  return participants;