misc library


connectLocalSocket(ConnectLocalSocketOptions options) Future<ResponseLocalConnection>
Connects to a media socket with the specified options. Returns a ResponseLocalConnection containing the socket and connection data. Throws an exception if inputs are invalid or if connection fails. Example usage:
connectSocket(ConnectSocketOptions options) Future<Socket>
Connects to a media socket with the specified options. Validates the API key or token and initiates a socket connection.
createDeviceClient({required CreateDeviceClientOptions options}) Future<Device?>
Creates a mediasoup client device with the provided RTP capabilities.
disconnectSocket(DisconnectSocketOptions options) Future<bool>
Disconnects the given socket instance. Returns true upon successful disconnection.
joinLocalRoom(JoinLocalRoomOptions options) Future<ResponseJoinLocalRoom>
Joins a local room on the socket server with specified options.
joinRoomClient(JoinRoomClientOptions options) Future<ResponseJoinRoom>
Joins a room by emitting the joinRoom or joinConRoom event to the server using the provided socket.
updateRoomParametersClient({required UpdateRoomParametersClientOptions options}) → void
Updates the room configuration parameters based on provided options.