consumers\prepopulate_user_media library


Configuration options for the prepopulateUserMedia function. This function populates the main media grid with video, audio, or mini-cards based on the media activity of the participant. It dynamically updates the main media grid based on the EventType and participant settings. The function returns a list of widgets representing the media display or an empty list for inactive states. It also catches errors during the media card setup and provides debugging messages in development mode.
Parameters for the prepopulateUserMedia function, implementing multiple interfaces to support flexible and detailed media grid configurations for participants.


prepopulateUserMedia(PrepopulateUserMediaOptions options) Future<List<Widget>?>
Populates the main media grid with video, audio, or mini-cards based on the media activity of the participant.


PrepopulateUserMediaType = Future<List<Widget>?> Function(PrepopulateUserMediaOptions options)