generateRandomMessages function

List<Message> generateRandomMessages(
  1. GenerateRandomMessagesOptions options

Generates random messages for a chat application based on specified options.

This function creates a list of Message objects for chat, simulating both direct and group messages among participants. Specific participants (member, coHost, and host) are always included in the messages. If forChatBroadcast is set to true, only member and host are included.

Each Message includes:

  • sender: The name of the message sender.
  • receivers: A list containing the recipients of the message.
  • message: The text content of the message.
  • timestamp: The message time in 'HH:mm:ss' format.
  • group: A boolean indicating if the message is a group message.


  • options: An instance of GenerateRandomMessagesOptions containing:
    • participants: A list of participants in the chat.
    • member: The name of the primary member.
    • coHost: An optional co-host name.
    • host: The name of the host in the chat.
    • forChatBroadcast: If true, restricts messages to just member and host.


A list of Message objects with details for each message.

Example Usage:

// Define participants
List<Participant> participants = [
  Participant(name: 'Alice', id: '1', audioID: 'audio-1', videoID: 'video-1'),
  Participant(name: 'Bob', id: '2', audioID: 'audio-2', videoID: 'video-2'),
  Participant(name: 'Carol', id: '3', audioID: 'audio-3', videoID: 'video-3'),

// Options for generating messages
final options = GenerateRandomMessagesOptions(
  participants: participants,
  member: 'Alice',
  coHost: 'Carol',
  host: 'Bob',
  forChatBroadcast: false,

// Generate messages
List<Message> messages = generateRandomMessages(options);

// Print messages
messages.forEach((msg) {
  print('Sender: ${msg.sender}, Receivers: ${msg.receivers}, Message: ${msg.message}, Timestamp: ${msg.timestamp}, Group: ${}');
// Example output:
// Sender: Bob, Receivers: [Alice], Message: Direct message from Bob, Timestamp: HH:mm:ss, Group: false
// Sender: Bob, Receivers: [Alice, Bob, Carol], Message: Group message from Bob, Timestamp: HH:mm:ss, Group: true
// ...


List<Message> generateRandomMessages(GenerateRandomMessagesOptions options) {
  List<Message> messages = [];

  // Function to get a random participant other than the sender
  String getRandomReceiver(String sender) {
    List<String> potentialReceivers = options.participants
        .where((participant) => != sender)
        .map((participant) =>
    return potentialReceivers[Random().nextInt(potentialReceivers.length)];

  // Force add messages for specific participants
  List<String> refNames = [];
  if (options.forChatBroadcast) {
    refNames = [options.member,];
  } else if (options.coHost != null) {
    refNames = [
      options.coHost!,, =>
  } else {
    refNames = [
      options.member,, =>

  // Ensure unique names for the refNames
  refNames = refNames.toSet().toList();

  // Generate messages
  DateTime currentTime =;
  int timeIncrement = 0;
  for (var sender in refNames) {
    // Send direct messages
    Message directMessage = Message(
      sender: sender,
      receivers: [getRandomReceiver(sender)],
      message: 'Direct message from $sender',
      timestamp: DateFormat('HH:mm:ss')
          .format(currentTime.add(Duration(milliseconds: timeIncrement))),
      group: false,

    // Send group messages
    Message groupMessage = Message(
      sender: sender,
      message: 'Group message from $sender',
      timestamp: DateFormat('HH:mm:ss')
          .format(currentTime.add(Duration(milliseconds: timeIncrement))),
      group: true,

    timeIncrement += 15000; // Increment time by 15 seconds for each message

  return messages;