getEstimate function

List<int> getEstimate(
  1. GetEstimateOptions options

Estimates the number of rows and columns based on the provided options.

  • options The options containing the number of items and parameters to use in the estimation.
  • Returns a list [totalItems, rows, columns] representing the calculated number of items, rows, and columns.

Example usage:

final parameters = GetEstimateParameters(
  fixedPageLimit: 5,
  screenPageLimit: 8,
  shareScreenStarted: false,
  shared: false,
  eventType: EventType.conference,
  removeAltGrid: false,
  isWideScreen: true,
  isMediumScreen: false,
  updateRemoveAltGrid: (value) => print('Remove Alt Grid: $value'),
  calculateRowsAndColumns: (n) => [3, 4],

final options = GetEstimateOptions(n: 10, parameters: parameters);
final estimate = getEstimate(options);
print('Estimated: $estimate'); // Output: Estimated: [10, 3, 4]


List<int> getEstimate(GetEstimateOptions options) {
  try {
    // Destructure parameters
    var params = options.parameters;
    int fixedPageLimit = params.fixedPageLimit;
    int screenPageLimit = params.screenPageLimit;
    bool shareScreenStarted = params.shareScreenStarted;
    bool shared = params.shared;
    EventType eventType = params.eventType;
    bool removeAltGrid = params.removeAltGrid;
    bool isWideScreen = params.isWideScreen;
    bool isMediumScreen = params.isMediumScreen;
    var updateRemoveAltGrid = params.updateRemoveAltGrid;
    CalculateRowsAndColumnsType calculateRowsAndColumns =

    // Calculate rows and columns
    final optionCal = CalculateRowsAndColumnsOptions(n: options.n);
    List<int> rowsAndCols = calculateRowsAndColumns(optionCal);
    int rows = rowsAndCols[0];
    int cols = rowsAndCols[1];

    // Check conditions for removing alt grid
    if (options.n < fixedPageLimit ||
        ((shareScreenStarted || shared) && options.n < screenPageLimit + 1)) {
      removeAltGrid = true;

      // Return estimated values based on screen width and event type
      if (!(isMediumScreen || isWideScreen)) {
        return eventType == ||
                (eventType == EventType.conference &&
                    !(shareScreenStarted || shared))
            ? [options.n, options.n, 1]
            : [options.n, 1, options.n];
      } else {
        return eventType == ||
                (eventType == EventType.conference &&
                    !(shareScreenStarted || shared))
            ? [options.n, 1, options.n]
            : [options.n, options.n, 1];

    return [rows * cols, rows, cols];
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      // print("Error estimating rows and columns: ${error.toString()}");
    return [options.n, 1, options.n];