dispStreams function

Future<void> dispStreams(
  1. DispStreamsOptions options

Displays streams in the media application based on a range of parameters and conditions.

This function:

  • Filters Streams: Excludes specific streams (like 'youyou') based on preset rules.
  • Updates Active Names: Populates lists of active and displayed names based on stream conditions.
  • Prepopulates User Media: Uses prepopulateUserMedia to update the UI and manage media layout.
  • Reorders Streams: Adds streams to a grid layout and updates based on the current event type (broadcast, chat).
  • Resumes or Pauses Streams: Adjusts the state of media streams depending on room settings, like breakout room status.


  • options (DispStreamsOptions): Contains parameters needed for stream display.
    • lStreams: The list of streams to be displayed, filtered and updated based on conditions.
    • ind: An index value for determining the stream arrangement or pagination.
    • auto: A boolean that determines if auto-adjustments should be applied.
    • ChatSkip: A flag indicating if chat-specific processing should be skipped.
    • forChatCard, forChatID: Optional dynamic parameters for chat-specific configurations.
    • parameters: The main set of parameters for configuring media stream display settings.
    • breakRoom: Integer representing a specific breakout room.
    • inBreakRoom: Indicates if the user is currently in a breakout room.


  • Event-Driven Display: Distinguishes between broadcast and chat events to organize streams differently.
  • Grid Layout Adjustment: Calculates grid layouts using getEstimate and checkGrid functions.
  • Breakout Room Management: Handles stream resume/pause differently if in a breakout room.

Error Handling:

  • Prints errors in debug mode if any function calls fail, particularly in media state transitions and stream handling.

Example Usage:

final options = DispStreamsOptions(
  lStreams: [/* Streams list */],
  ind: 0,
  auto: true,
  ChatSkip: false,
  forChatCard: null,
  forChatID: null,
  parameters: parameters,  // Instance of DispStreamsParameters
  breakRoom: -1,
  inBreakRoom: false,

dispStreams(options).then((_) {
  print("Streams displayed successfully");
}).catchError((error) {
  print("Error displaying streams: $error");


  • Handles a wide variety of media conditions: This function is intended to adapt to both participant and broadcast layouts, as well as chat-focused or mixed-media environments.
  • Callback and Async Functionality: Various callback functions and async operations are included to ensure responsive media state updates.


Future<void> dispStreams(DispStreamsOptions options) async {
  try {
    // Retrieve updated parameters
    var lStreams = options.lStreams;
    DispStreamsParameters parameters = options.parameters.getUpdatedAllParams();

    // Destructure necessary properties
    List<TransportType> consumerTransports = parameters.consumerTransports;
    List<Stream> streamNames = parameters.streamNames;
    List<Stream> audStreamNames = parameters.audStreamNames;
    List<Participant> participants = parameters.participants;
    List<Participant> refParticipants = parameters.refParticipants;
    String recordingDisplayType = parameters.recordingDisplayType;
    bool recordingVideoOptimized = parameters.recordingVideoOptimized;
    String meetingDisplayType = parameters.meetingDisplayType;
    bool meetingVideoOptimized = parameters.meetingVideoOptimized;
    int currentUserPage = parameters.currentUserPage;
    String hostLabel = parameters.hostLabel;
    double mainHeightWidth = parameters.mainHeightWidth;
    double prevMainHeightWidth = parameters.prevMainHeightWidth;
    bool prevDoPaginate = parameters.prevDoPaginate;
    bool doPaginate = parameters.doPaginate;
    bool firstAll = parameters.firstAll;
    bool shared = parameters.shared;
    bool shareScreenStarted = parameters.shareScreenStarted;
    bool shareEnded = parameters.shareEnded;
    List<Stream> oldAllStreams = parameters.oldAllStreams;
    bool updateMainWindow = parameters.updateMainWindow;
    List<String> activeNames = List.from(parameters.activeNames);
    List<String> dispActiveNames = List.from(parameters.dispActiveNames);
    List<String> pDispActiveNames = List.from(parameters.pDispActiveNames);
    int nForReadjustRecord = parameters.nForReadjustRecord;
    bool firstRound = parameters.firstRound;
    bool lockScreen = parameters.lockScreen;
    List<Stream> chatRefStreams = List.from(parameters.chatRefStreams);
    EventType eventType = parameters.eventType;
    String islevel = parameters.islevel;
    MediaStream? localStreamVideo = parameters.localStreamVideo;

    bool breakOutRoomStarted = parameters.breakOutRoomStarted;
    bool breakOutRoomEnded = parameters.breakOutRoomEnded;
    bool keepBackground = parameters.keepBackground;
    MediaStream? virtualStream = parameters.virtualStream;

    // Update functions
    void Function(List<String>) updateActiveNames =
    void Function(List<String>) updateDispActiveNames =
    void Function(List<Stream>) updateLStreams = parameters.updateLStreams;
    void Function(List<Stream>) updateChatRefStreams =
    void Function(int) updateNForReadjustRecord =
    void Function(bool) updateUpdateMainWindow =
    void Function(bool) updateShowMiniView = parameters.updateShowMiniView;

    // mediasfu functions
    PrepopulateUserMediaType prepopulateUserMedia =
    RePortType rePort = parameters.rePort;
    ProcessConsumerTransportsType processConsumerTransports =
    ResumePauseStreamsType resumePauseStreams = parameters.resumePauseStreams;
    ReadjustType readjust = parameters.readjust;
    AddVideosGridType addVideosGrid = parameters.addVideosGrid;
    GetEstimateType getEstimate = parameters.getEstimate;
    CheckGridType checkGrid = parameters.checkGrid;
    ResumePauseAudioStreamsType resumePauseAudioStreams =

    bool proceed = true;
    String? remoteProducerId;

    // Filter out 'youyou' and 'youyouyou' streams
    List<Stream> lStreams_ = options.lStreams.where((stream) {
      String? producerId = stream.producerId;
      String? id = stream.id;
      String? name = stream.name;
      return producerId != 'youyou' &&
          producerId != 'youyouyou' &&
          id != 'youyou' &&
          id != 'youyouyou' &&
          name != 'youyou' &&
          name != 'youyouyou';

    if (eventType == EventType.chat) {
      proceed = true;
    } else if (options.ind == 0 ||
        (islevel != '2' && currentUserPage == options.ind)) {
      proceed = false;

      // Populate activeNames based on lStreams_
      for (var stream in lStreams_) {
        bool checker = false;
        int checkLevel = 0;

        if (recordingDisplayType == 'video') {
          if (recordingVideoOptimized) {
            if (stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') {
              checker = true;
              checkLevel = 0;
          } else {
            if ((stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') ||
                (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                    stream.audioID != null &&
                    stream.audioID != '')) {
              checker = true;
              checkLevel = 1;
        } else if (recordingDisplayType == 'media') {
          if ((stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') ||
              (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                  stream.audioID != null &&
                  stream.audioID != '')) {
            checker = true;
            checkLevel = 1;
        } else {
          if (((stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') ||
              (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                  stream.audioID != null &&
                  stream.audioID != '') ||
              (stream.containsKey('name') &&
                  stream.name != null &&
                  stream.name != ''))) {
            checker = true;
            checkLevel = 2;

        Stream? participant;

        if (checker) {
          if (checkLevel == 0) {
            if (stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') {
              participant = streamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.producerId,
          } else if (checkLevel == 1) {
            if (stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') {
              participant = streamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.producerId,
            if (participant == null) {
              if (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                  stream.audioID != null &&
                  stream.audioID != '') {
                participant = audStreamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                  (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.audioID,
                if (participant == null) {
                  final participantStream = refParticipants.firstWhereOrNull(
                    (obj) => obj.audioID == stream.audioID,
                  if (participantStream != null) {
                    participant = Stream.fromMap(participantStream.toMap());
          } else if (checkLevel == 2) {
            if (stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') {
              participant = streamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.producerId,
            if (participant == null) {
              if (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                  stream.audioID != null &&
                  stream.audioID != '') {
                participant = audStreamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                  (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.audioID,

                if (participant == null) {
                  final participantStream = refParticipants.firstWhereOrNull(
                    (obj) => obj.audioID == stream.audioID,
                  if (participantStream != null) {
                    participant = Stream.fromMap(participantStream.toMap());
            if (participant == null) {
              if (stream.containsKey('name') &&
                  stream.name != null &&
                  stream.name != '') {
                final participantStream = refParticipants.firstWhereOrNull(
                  (obj) => obj.name == stream.name,
                if (participantStream != null) {
                  participant = Stream.fromMap(participantStream.toMap());

          if (participant != null &&
              participant.name!.isNotEmpty &&
              participant.name != 'none') {
            if (!activeNames.contains(participant.name)) {


      // Populate dispActiveNames based on lStreams_
      for (var stream in lStreams_) {
        bool dispChecker = false;
        int dispCheckLevel = 0;

        if (meetingDisplayType == 'video') {
          if (meetingVideoOptimized) {
            if (stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') {
              dispChecker = true;
              dispCheckLevel = 0;
          } else {
            if ((stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') ||
                (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                    stream.audioID != null &&
                    stream.audioID != '')) {
              dispChecker = true;
              dispCheckLevel = 1;
        } else if (meetingDisplayType == 'media') {
          if ((stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') ||
              (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                  stream.audioID != null &&
                  stream.audioID != '')) {
            dispChecker = true;
            dispCheckLevel = 1;
        } else {
          if (((stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') ||
              (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                  stream.audioID != null &&
                  stream.audioID != '') ||
              (stream.containsKey('name') &&
                  stream.name != null &&
                  stream.name != ''))) {
            dispChecker = true;
            dispCheckLevel = 2;

        Stream? participant_;

        if (dispChecker) {
          if (dispCheckLevel == 0) {
            if (stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') {
              participant_ = streamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.producerId,
          } else if (dispCheckLevel == 1) {
            if (stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') {
              participant_ = streamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.producerId,
            if (participant_ == null) {
              if (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                  stream.audioID != null &&
                  stream.audioID != '') {
                participant_ = audStreamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                  (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.audioID,
                if (participant_ == null) {
                  final participantStream = refParticipants.firstWhereOrNull(
                    (obj) => obj.audioID == stream.audioID,
                  if (participantStream != null) {
                    participant_ = Stream.fromMap(participantStream.toMap());
          } else if (dispCheckLevel == 2) {
            if (stream.containsKey('producerId') && stream.producerId != '') {
              participant_ = streamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.producerId,
            if (participant_ == null) {
              if (stream.containsKey('audioID') &&
                  stream.audioID != null &&
                  stream.audioID != '') {
                participant_ = audStreamNames.firstWhereOrNull(
                  (obj) => obj.producerId == stream.audioID,
                if (participant_ == null) {
                  final participantStream = refParticipants.firstWhereOrNull(
                    (obj) => obj.audioID == stream.audioID,
                  if (participantStream != null) {
                    participant_ = Stream.fromMap(participantStream.toMap());
              if (participant_ == null) {
                if (stream.containsKey('name') &&
                    stream.name != null &&
                    stream.name != '') {
                  final participantStream = refParticipants.firstWhereOrNull(
                    (obj) => obj.name == stream.name,

        if (participant_ != null) {
          if (!dispActiveNames.contains(participant_.name)) {
            if (!pDispActiveNames.contains(participant_.name)) {
              proceed = true;


      if (lStreams_.isEmpty && (shareScreenStarted || shared || !firstAll)) {
        proceed = true;

      if (shareScreenStarted || shared) {
        // Additional logic if needed
      } else {
        if (prevMainHeightWidth != mainHeightWidth) {
          updateMainWindow = true;

      nForReadjustRecord = activeNames.length;

    if (!proceed && options.auto) {
      final optionsPrepopulate = PrepopulateUserMediaOptions(
        name: hostLabel,
        parameters: parameters,
      if (updateMainWindow && !lockScreen && !shared) {
        await prepopulateUserMedia(optionsPrepopulate);
      } else if (!firstRound) {
        await prepopulateUserMedia(optionsPrepopulate);

      if (options.ind == 0 && eventType != EventType.chat) {
        final optionsRePort = RePortOptions(
          parameters: parameters,
        await rePort(optionsRePort);

    if (eventType == EventType.broadcast) {
      lStreams = List.from(lStreams_);
    } else if (eventType == EventType.chat) {
      if (options.forChatID != null) {
        lStreams = List.from(chatRefStreams);
      } else {

        if (islevel != '2') {
          Participant? host =
              participants.firstWhereOrNull((obj) => obj.islevel == '2');

          if (host != null) {
            Stream? streame;

            remoteProducerId = host.videoID;
            if (islevel == '2') {
              host['stream'] = keepBackground && virtualStream != null
                  ? virtualStream
                  : localStreamVideo;
            } else {
              streame = oldAllStreams.firstWhereOrNull(
                (streame) => streame.producerId == remoteProducerId,
              if (streame != null) {
                lStreams = lStreams
                    .where((stream) => stream.name != host.name)

        Stream? youyou = lStreams.firstWhereOrNull((obj) =>
            obj.producerId == 'youyou' || obj.producerId == 'youyouyou');

        lStreams = lStreams
            .where((stream) =>
                stream.producerId != 'youyou' &&
                stream.producerId != 'youyouyou')

        if (youyou != null) {

        chatRefStreams = List.from(lStreams);


    int refLength = lStreams.length;

    List<int> estimate =
        getEstimate(GetEstimateOptions(n: refLength, parameters: parameters));
    List<dynamic> gridCheckResult = await checkGrid(CheckGridOptions(
        rows: estimate[1], cols: estimate[2], actives: refLength));
    bool removeAltGrid = gridCheckResult[0];
    int numtoaddd = gridCheckResult[1];
    int numRows = gridCheckResult[2];
    int numCols = gridCheckResult[3];
    int actualRows = gridCheckResult[5];
    int lastrowcols = gridCheckResult[6];

    if (options.ChatSkip && eventType == EventType.chat) {
      numRows = 1;
      numCols = 1;
      actualRows = 1;

    final optionsReadjust = ReadjustOptions(
      n: lStreams.length,
      state: options.ind,
      parameters: parameters,
    await readjust(options: optionsReadjust);

    List<Stream> mainGridStreams = lStreams.sublist(0, numtoaddd);
    List<Stream> altGridStreams = lStreams.sublist(numtoaddd);

    if (doPaginate ||
        prevDoPaginate != doPaginate ||
        shared ||
        shareScreenStarted ||
        shareEnded) {
      List<Stream> lStreamsAlt = List.from(lStreams_);
      final optionsProcessConsumer = ProcessConsumerTransportsOptions(
        consumerTransports: consumerTransports,
        lStreams_: lStreamsAlt,
        parameters: parameters,
      await processConsumerTransports(optionsProcessConsumer);

      try {
        if (breakOutRoomStarted && !breakOutRoomEnded) {
          final optionsResumePause = ResumePauseAudioStreamsOptions(
            inBreakRoom: options.inBreakRoom,
            breakRoom: options.breakRoom,
            parameters: parameters,
          await resumePauseAudioStreams(options: optionsResumePause);
        } else {
          final optionsResumePause = ResumePauseStreamsOptions(
            parameters: parameters,
          await resumePauseStreams(options: optionsResumePause);
      } catch (error) {
        if (kDebugMode) {
          print('Error in resumePauseAudioStreams: $error');

      try {
        if (!breakOutRoomStarted ||
            (breakOutRoomStarted && breakOutRoomEnded)) {
          final optionsResumePause =
              ResumePauseStreamsOptions(parameters: parameters);
          await resumePauseStreams(options: optionsResumePause);
      } catch (error) {
        if (kDebugMode) {
          print('Error in resumePauseStreams: $error');

      if (shareEnded) {
        shareEnded = false;

    if (options.ChatSkip && eventType == EventType.chat) {
      final optionsVideosGrid = AddVideosGridOptions(
        mainGridStreams: mainGridStreams,
        altGridStreams: altGridStreams,
        numRows: numRows,
        numCols: numCols,
        actualRows: actualRows,
        lastRowCols: lastrowcols,
        removeAltGrid: removeAltGrid,
        parameters: parameters,
      await addVideosGrid(optionsVideosGrid);
    } else {
      final optionsVideosGrid = AddVideosGridOptions(
        mainGridStreams: mainGridStreams,
        altGridStreams: altGridStreams,
        numRows: numRows,
        numCols: numCols,
        actualRows: actualRows,
        lastRowCols: lastrowcols,
        removeAltGrid: removeAltGrid,
        parameters: parameters,
      await addVideosGrid(optionsVideosGrid);

    if (updateMainWindow) {
      if (!lockScreen && !shared) {
        final optionsPrePopulate = PrepopulateUserMediaOptions(
          name: hostLabel,
          parameters: parameters,
        await prepopulateUserMedia(optionsPrePopulate);
      } else {
        final optionsPrePopulate = PrepopulateUserMediaOptions(
          name: hostLabel,
          parameters: parameters,
        if (!firstRound) {
          await prepopulateUserMedia(optionsPrePopulate);

    if (options.ind == 0 && eventType != EventType.chat) {
      final optionsRePort = RePortOptions(parameters: parameters);
      await rePort(optionsRePort);
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print('dispStreams error: $error');