getVideos function
- {required GetVideosOptions options}
Processes and updates video streams by filtering out the admin's video stream.
Filters out the admin's video stream from the list of all video streams and updates the state variables using the provided update functions. If no admin's video stream is found, it reverts to the previous state.
): Configuration options containing the list of participants, video streams, and functions for updating the state.
final options = GetVideosOptions(
participants: participantList,
allVideoStreams: allStreams,
oldAllStreams: oldStreams,
adminVidID: 'admin-video-id',
updateAllVideoStreams: (streams) => print('All video streams updated: $streams'),
updateOldAllStreams: (streams) => print('Old video streams updated: $streams'),
await getVideos(options: options);
Throws: If an error occurs during the process of updating video streams, it logs the error in debug mode and rethrows it.
Future<void> getVideos({required GetVideosOptions options}) async {
try {
var participants = options.participants;
List<Stream> allVideoStreams = List.from(options.allVideoStreams);
List<Stream> oldAllStreams = List.from(options.oldAllStreams);
String? adminVidID = options.adminVidID;
// Filter for participants with admin level "2"
var admin = participants
.where((participant) => participant.islevel == '2')
if (admin.isNotEmpty) {
adminVidID = admin[0].videoID;
if (adminVidID.isNotEmpty) {
List<Stream> oldAllStreams_ = [];
// Backup oldAllStreams if it has items
if (oldAllStreams.isNotEmpty) {
oldAllStreams_ = List.from(oldAllStreams);
// Filter old streams for admin's video ID
oldAllStreams = allVideoStreams
.where((stream) => stream.producerId == adminVidID)
// Revert to previous state if no admin's video stream found
if (oldAllStreams.isEmpty) {
oldAllStreams = List.from(oldAllStreams_);
// Update old video streams state
// Filter all video streams excluding admin's stream
allVideoStreams = allVideoStreams
.where((stream) => stream.producerId != adminVidID)
// Update all video streams state
} catch (error) {
// Log error in debug mode
if (kDebugMode) {
print('Error updating video streams: ${error.toString()}');