connectSendTransportScreen function

Future<void> connectSendTransportScreen(
  1. ConnectSendTransportScreenOptions options

Sets up and initiates the screen-sharing transport connection, configuring codec options and producing a video track for screen sharing.


  • options (ConnectSendTransportScreenOptions): Contains:
    • targetOption (String): Specifies the target option for connection ('all' by default).
    • stream (MediaStream): The media stream that includes the screen video track for sharing.
    • parameters (ConnectSendTransportScreenParameters): Contains necessary configurations, such as codec options, transport, and update functions.


  1. Codec Selection:
    • Attempts to select the VP9 codec for optimized video sharing.
    • If VP9 is unavailable, defaults to the first available video codec in device capabilities.
  2. Producer Transport Setup:
    • Uses producerTransport to initiate screen sharing with the selected codec and screen-sharing settings.
  3. Transport and Producer Updates:
    • Updates the producerTransport and screenProducer in the provided parameters to reflect the active screen-sharing session.


  • A Future<void> that completes when the screen-sharing transport is successfully established.

Example Usage:

final screenOptions = ConnectSendTransportScreenOptions(
  targetOption: 'all',
  stream: screenStream,
  parameters: myConnectSendTransportScreenParameters,

connectSendTransportScreen(screenOptions).then(() {
  print("Screen-sharing transport connected.");
}).catchError((error) {
  print("Error connecting screen-sharing transport: $error");

Error Handling:

  • Logs errors to the console in debug mode if an issue occurs during transport setup.


Future<void> connectSendTransportScreen(
    ConnectSendTransportScreenOptions options) async {
  final MediaStream stream =;
  final ConnectSendTransportScreenParameters parameters = options.parameters;
  final String targetOption = options.targetOption;
  try {
    // Retrieve and update latest parameters
    Device? device = parameters.getUpdatedAllParams().device;
    Transport? producerTransport = parameters.producerTransport;
    ProducerOptionsType? screenParams = parameters.screenParams;

    // Update parameters for the codec and screen production
    ProducerOptionsType producerParams = screenParams!;

    // Find VP9 codec in device capabilities
    RtpCodecCapability? codec = device?.rtpCapabilities.codecs
        .firstWhere((codec) => codec.mimeType.toLowerCase() == 'video/vp9');

    // If no VP9 codec is found, get the first video codec
    codec ??= device?.rtpCapabilities.codecs.firstWhere(
        (codec) => codec.kind == RTCRtpMediaType.RTCRtpMediaTypeVideo);

    // Produce screen share video using the transport and codec
    if (targetOption == 'remote' || targetOption == 'all') {
        track: stream.getVideoTracks()[0],
        stream: stream,
        codecOptions: ProducerCodecOptions(
        codec: codec,
        appData: {'mediaTag': 'screen-video'},
        source: 'screen',

      // Update screenProducer and producerTransport in parameters

    if (targetOption == 'local' || targetOption == 'all') {
      try {
        await connectLocalSendTransportScreen(
          stream: stream,
          parameters: parameters,
      } catch (localError) {
        if (kDebugMode) {
          print('Error connecting local screen transport: $localError');
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print('connectSendTransportScreen error: $error');
    // throw error;