Class StartRecording

Starts the recording process based on the provided parameters.

The options for starting the recording.

The parameters required for starting the recording.

The name of the room where recording is to be started.

User-specific recording parameters.

The socket instance for communication.

The local socket instance for communication.

Function to update the visibility of the recording modal.

Flag indicating if the user has confirmed to record.

Function to show alerts.

The media options for recording (e.g., "video", "audio").

Flag indicating if the video is already on.

Flag indicating if the audio is already on.

Flag indicating if the recording has started.

Flag indicating if the recording is paused.

Flag indicating if the recording is resumed.

Flag indicating if the recording is stopped.

Flag indicating if the start report is active.

Flag indicating if the end report is active.

Flag indicating if recording is allowed.

Function to update the cleared to record status.

Function to update the record started status.

Function to update the record paused status.

Function to update the record resumed status.

Function to update the start report status.

Function to update the end report status.

Function to update the can record status.

Flag indicating if the whiteboard has started.

Flag indicating if the whiteboard has ended.

Function to report the recording status.

Function to capture the canvas stream.

  • A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating if the recording attempt was successful, or undefined if not applicable.

This method checks various conditions, such as whether the user has confirmed recording and whether audio or video is already on, before starting the recording. It updates the recording state, manages socket communication, and handles whiteboard functionality if applicable.

const options: StartRecordingOptions = { parameters: someParameters };
const result = await startRecording(options);
if (result) {
console.log('Recording started successfully.');
} else {
console.log('Failed to start recording.');





  • Starts the recording process based on the provided parameters.


    Returns Promise<undefined | boolean>

    • A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating if the recording attempt was successful, or undefined if not applicable.