Class RecordStartTimer

Starts the recording timer and manages its state.

The options for starting the recording timer.

The parameters for the recording timer.

Function to get updated parameters.

The start time of the recording.

The interval ID for the recording timer.

Flag indicating if the timer is currently running.

Flag indicating if pause/resume actions are enabled.

The time after which pause/resume actions are enabled.

Function to update the recording start time.

Function to update the recording timer interval.

Function to update the timer running state.

Function to update the pause/resume state.

A promise that resolves when the timer is started.

This function initializes the recording start time and sets up an interval to update the timer every second. It also manages the state of the timer, including enabling and disabling pause/resume actions. The timer is stopped if the recording is paused, stopped, or if the room name is invalid.

const options: RecordStartTimerOptions = {
parameters: {
recordTimerInterval: null,
isTimerRunning: false,
canPauseResume: false,
recordChangeSeconds: 15,
recordPaused: false,
recordStopped: false,
roomName: 'room1',
updateRecordStartTime: (time) => { },
updateRecordTimerInterval: (interval) => { },
updateIsTimerRunning: (isRunning) => { },
updateCanPauseResume: (canPause) => {},
getUpdatedAllParams: () => { },
await recordStartTimer(options);





  • Starts a recording timer and manages its state.


    • options: {
          parameters: any;

      The options for starting the recording timer.

      • parameters: any

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the timer is started.

    This function initializes the recording start time and sets up an interval to update the timer every second. It also manages the state of the timer, including enabling and disabling pause/resume actions. The timer is stopped if the recording is paused, stopped, or if the room name is invalid.