ConnectSendTransportAudioParameters class abstract
- adminOnMainScreen → bool
no setterinherited
→ List<
Stream> -
no setterinherited
- annotateScreenStream → bool
no setterinherited
- aParams → ProducerOptionsType?
no setter
- audioAlreadyOn → bool
no setteroverride
→ List<
AudioDecibels> -
no setterinherited
- audioParams → ProducerOptionsType?
no setter
- audioProducer → Producer?
no setterinherited
- checkOrientation → String Function()
no setterinherited
- coHost → String
no setterinherited
→ List<
CoHostResponsibility> -
no setterinherited
- defAudioID → String
no setter
- eventType → EventType
no setterinherited
- forceFullDisplay → bool
no setterinherited
- getUpdatedAllParams → ConnectSendTransportAudioParameters Function()
no setteroverride
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- hostLabel → String
no setteroverride
- islevel → String
no setteroverride
- isWideScreen → bool
no setterinherited
- keepBackground → bool
no setterinherited
- localAudioProducer → Producer?
no setterinherited
- localProducerTransport → Transport?
no setter
- localStream → MediaStream?
no setter
- localStreamAudio → MediaStream?
no setter
- localStreamScreen → MediaStream?
no setterinherited
- localStreamVideo → MediaStream?
no setterinherited
- localUIMode → bool
no setterinherited
- lockScreen → bool
no setteroverride
- mainHeightWidth → double
no setterinherited
- mainScreenFilled → bool
no setterinherited
- mainScreenPerson → String
no setterinherited
- member → String
no setteroverride
- micAction → bool
no setter
→ List<
Stream> -
no setterinherited
- params → ProducerOptionsType?
no setter
→ List<
Participant> -
no setteroverride
- prepopulateUserMedia → PrepopulateUserMediaType
no setteroverride
- producerTransport → Transport?
no setter
→ List<
Stream> -
no setterinherited
- resumeSendTransportAudio → ResumeSendTransportAudioType
no setter
- roomName → String
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- screenForceFullDisplay → bool
no setterinherited
- screenId → String?
no setterinherited
no setteroverride
no setterinherited
- showAlert → ShowAlert?
no setteroverride
- socket → Socket?
no setteroverride
- transportCreated → bool
no setter
- transportCreatedAudio → bool
no setter
- updateAdminOnMainScreen → void Function(bool)
no setterinherited
- updateAudioAlreadyOn → void Function(bool audioAlreadyOn)
no setter
- updateAudioLevel → void Function(double audioLevel)
no setter
- updateAudioParams → void Function(ProducerOptionsType audioParams)
no setter
- updateAudioProducer → void Function(Producer? audioProducer)
no setterinherited
- updateDefAudioID → void Function(String defAudioID)
no setter
- updateLocalAudioProducer → (void Function(Producer? localAudioProducer)?)
no setterinherited
- updateLocalProducerTransport → (void Function(Transport? localProducerTransport)?)
no setter
- updateLocalStream → void Function(MediaStream? localStream)
no setter
- updateLocalStreamAudio → void Function(MediaStream? localStreamAudio)
no setter
→ void Function(List<
Widget> ) -
no setterinherited
- updateMainHeightWidth → void Function(double)
no setterinherited
- updateMainScreenFilled → void Function(bool)
no setterinherited
- updateMainScreenPerson → void Function(String)
no setterinherited
- updateMainWindow → bool
no setteroverride
- updateMicAction → void Function(bool micAction)
no setter
→ void Function(List<
Participant> participants) -
no setter
- updateProducerTransport → void Function(Transport producerTransport)
no setter
- updateScreenForceFullDisplay → void Function(bool)
no setterinherited
- updateTransportCreated → void Function(bool transportCreated)
no setter
- updateTransportCreatedAudio → void Function(bool transportCreatedAudio)
no setter
- updateUpdateMainWindow → void Function(bool updateMainWindow)
no setteroverride
- updateUserDefaultAudioInputDevice → void Function(String userDefaultAudioInputDevice)
no setter
- userDefaultAudioInputDevice → String
no setter
- videoAlreadyOn → bool
no setteroverride
- virtualStream → MediaStream?
no setterinherited
- whiteboardEnded → bool
no setterinherited
- whiteboardStarted → bool
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.