Function createLocalSendTransport

Creates a WebRTC send transport and sets up event handlers for the transport. Supports both primary and local transports with modular handling.

Will throw an error if there is an issue creating the send transport.

const options = {
option: 'video',
parameters: {
islevel: '1',
member: 'John Doe',
socket: socketInstance,
localSocket: localSocketInstance,
device: deviceInstance,
producerTransport: null,
localProducerTransport: null,
transportCreated: false,
localTransportCreated: false,
updateProducerTransport: (transport) => console.log('Primary transport updated:', transport),
updateLocalProducerTransport: (transport) => console.log('Local transport updated:', transport),
updateTransportCreated: (state) => console.log('Primary transport created:', state),
updateLocalTransportCreated: (state) => console.log('Local transport created:', state),
.then(() => console.log('Send transport created successfully'))
.catch((error) => console.error('Error creating send transport:', error));