Class UpdateRoomParametersClient

Updates room parameters for the client after joining a room and receiving server-provided parameters.

An object containing:

  • various room settings and parameters,

  • functions to update those parameters.

  • Screen/Page Settings: Adjusts screen and item page limits, meeting room parameters, and video constraints based on server data.

  • Recording and Media Settings: Applies bitrate and frame rate adjustments, based on the target resolution and media options.

  • Role-Specific Settings: Configures admin, host, and co-host settings for permissions, orientations, and resolutions.

  • Alerting: Uses showAlert to notify the client on issues or permissions restrictions.

const options = {
parameters: {
rtpCapabilities: myRtpCapabilities,
roomRecvIPs: [''],
meetingRoomParams: myMeetingParams,
itemPageLimit: 3,
audioOnlyRoom: false,
addForBasic: true,
screenPageLimit: 2,
shareScreenStarted: false,
shared: true,
targetOrientation: 'landscape',
recordingVideoSupport: true,
frameRate: 15,
adminPasscode: 'admin123',
eventType: 'conference',
youAreCoHost: false,
updateRtpCapabilities: (rtp) => console.log('Updating RTP:', rtp),
updateRoomRecvIPs: (ips) => console.log('Updating IPs:', ips),
updateMeetingRoomParams: (params) => console.log('Updating room params:', params),
// Additional parameters...

const updateRoomParametersClient = new UpdateRoomParametersClient(videoCaptureConstraints, hParams, vParams, screenParams, aParams);

This example demonstrates setting up room parameters for a conference-type room with recording support and custom update functions.

