Class UpdateRecording

Updates the recording state based on the provided parameters.

The options for updating the recording state.

The parameters required for updating the recording state.

The name of the room where the recording is taking place.

User-specific recording parameters.

The socket instance for communication.

The local socket instance for communication.

Function to update the visibility of the recording modal.

Indicates if the user has confirmed to start recording.

Function to show alerts.

The media options for recording (e.g., "video", "audio").

Indicates if the video is already turned on.

Indicates if the audio is already turned on.

Indicates if the recording has started.

Indicates if the recording is paused.

Indicates if the recording has resumed.

Indicates if the recording has stopped.

The interval in seconds for changing the recording state.

The count of pauses during the recording.

Indicates if the start report is active.

Indicates if the end report is active.

Indicates if recording is allowed.

Indicates if pausing and resuming the recording is allowed.

Function to update the pause/resume state.

Function to update the pause record count.

Function to update the cleared-to-record state.

Function to update the record paused state.

Function to update the record resumed state.

Function to update the start report state.

Function to update the end report state.

Function to update the can record state.

Function to handle reporting.

A promise that resolves when the recording state has been updated.

This method handles the recording state updates, including starting, pausing, resuming, and stopping the recording. It also performs necessary checks to ensure that the user can perform the requested actions based on their current state. Alerts are displayed for any issues encountered during the process.

const options: UpdateRecordingOptions = { parameters: someParameters };
await updateRecording(options);
console.log('Recording state updated successfully.');



