Handles the successful streaming of audio by setting up the necessary transports and updating the relevant states.
This method updates the local media stream with the new audio track, manages the transport connection,
and updates the participants' states to reflect changes in audio settings.
Param: options
The options for streaming success audio.
Param: options.stream
The media stream containing the audio track.
Param: options.parameters
The parameters required for setting up the audio stream.
Param: options.parameters.socket
The socket connection for real-time communication.
Param: options.parameters.participants
The list of participants in the session.
Param: options.parameters.localStream
The local media stream that includes video and audio tracks.
Param: options.parameters.transportCreated
Indicates if the audio transport has been created.
Param: options.parameters.transportCreatedAudio
Indicates if the audio transport has been created.
Handles the successful streaming of audio by setting up the necessary transports and updating the relevant states.
This method updates the local media stream with the new audio track, manages the transport connection, and updates the participants' states to reflect changes in audio settings.
Param: options
The options for streaming success audio.
Param: options.stream
The media stream containing the audio track.
Param: options.parameters
The parameters required for setting up the audio stream.
Param: options.parameters.socket
The socket connection for real-time communication.
Param: options.parameters.participants
The list of participants in the session.
Param: options.parameters.localStream
The local media stream that includes video and audio tracks.
Param: options.parameters.transportCreated
Indicates if the audio transport has been created.
Param: options.parameters.transportCreatedAudio
Indicates if the audio transport has been created.
Param: options.parameters.audioAlreadyOn
Indicates if the audio is already active.
Param: options.parameters.micAction
Indicates the microphone action state.
Param: options.parameters.audioParams
The current audio parameters for the producer.
Param: options.parameters.localStreamAudio
The local audio stream.
Param: options.parameters.defAudioID
The default audio device ID for the stream.
Param: options.parameters.userDefaultAudioInputDevice
The user default audio input device.
Param: options.parameters.params
Additional parameters for the producer.
Param: options.parameters.audioParamse
Additional audio parameters.
Param: options.parameters.aParams
Producer parameters for the audio.
Param: options.parameters.hostLabel
The label of the host for this session.
Param: options.parameters.islevel
The participant's level (e.g., admin, regular user).
Param: options.parameters.member
The member name for identification.
Param: options.parameters.updateMainWindow
Indicates if the main window needs to be updated.
Param: options.parameters.lock_screen
Indicates if the screen is locked for participants.
Param: options.parameters.shared
Indicates if the screen is currently shared.
Param: options.parameters.videoAlreadyOn
Indicates if the video stream is currently active.
Param: options.parameters.showAlert
Optional function to show alert messages.
Param: options.parameters.updateParticipants
Function to update the list of participants.
Param: options.parameters.updateTransportCreated
Function to update the audio transport created status.
Param: options.parameters.updateTransportCreatedAudio
Function to update the audio transport created status.
Param: options.parameters.updateAudioAlreadyOn
Function to update the audio active status.
Param: options.parameters.updateMicAction
Function to update the microphone action state.
Param: options.parameters.updateAudioParams
Function to update the audio parameters.
Param: options.parameters.updateLocalStream
Function to update the local stream.
Param: options.parameters.updateLocalStreamAudio
Function to update the local audio stream.
Param: options.parameters.updateDefAudioID
Function to update the default audio device ID.
Param: options.parameters.updateUserDefaultAudioInputDevice
Function to update the default audio input device.
Param: options.parameters.updateUpdateMainWindow
Function to update the main window status.
Param: options.parameters.createSendTransport
Function to create a send transport for audio.
Param: options.parameters.connectSendTransportAudio
Function to connect the send transport for audio.
Param: options.parameters.resumeSendTransportAudio
Function to resume the send transport for audio.
Param: options.parameters.prepopulateUserMedia
Function to prepopulate user media based on current settings.
A promise that resolves when the audio streaming setup is complete.
Throws an error if there is an issue during the audio stream setup.