Stops the recording process based on the provided parameters.

The options for stopping the recording.

The parameters required for stopping the recording.

The name of the room where the recording is being stopped.

The socket instance for communication.

The local socket instance for communication.

Function to show alerts.

Flag indicating if the start report is active.

Flag indicating if the end report is active.

Flag indicating if the recording has started.

Flag indicating if the recording is paused.

Flag indicating if the recording is stopped.

Function to update the record paused status.

Function to update the record stopped status.

Function to update the start report status.

Function to update the end report status.

Function to update the visibility of recording buttons.

Flag indicating if the whiteboard has started.

Flag indicating if the whiteboard has ended.

The media options for recording (e.g., "video", "audio").

Function to capture the canvas stream.

  • A promise that resolves when the recording is stopped.

This method checks if the recording has started and is not already stopped. It pauses the timer and emits a stop recording event via socket communication. If successful, it updates the recording state and alerts the user. Additionally, if the whiteboard feature is active, it captures the canvas stream.

const options: StopRecordingOptions = { parameters: someParameters };
await stopRecording(options);
console.log('Recording stopped successfully.');



