Function to update the formatted meeting progress time.
Param: options.parameters.getUpdatedAllParams
Function to get updated parameters.
This function calculates the elapsed time since the meeting started and updates the meeting progress every second.
The timer will stop if the validated flag is set to false or if the room name is not valid.
The time is formatted in HH:MM:SS format, and the update function is called with the formatted time.
Starts a timer to track the progress of a meeting.
Param: options
The options for starting the meeting progress timer.
Param: options.startTime
The custom start time for the meeting progress timer in seconds since epoch.
Param: options.parameters
The parameters required for updating the meeting progress.
Param: options.parameters.updateMeetingProgressTime
Function to update the formatted meeting progress time.
Param: options.parameters.getUpdatedAllParams
Function to get updated parameters.
This function calculates the elapsed time since the meeting started and updates the meeting progress every second. The timer will stop if the validated flag is set to false or if the room name is not valid.
The time is formatted in HH:MM:SS format, and the update function is called with the formatted time.