Class ShareEventModal

Component for displaying a modal to share event details.




CommonModule, FontAwesomeModule, MeetingIdComponent, MeetingPasscodeComponent, ShareButtonsComponent

handleClose - Closes the share event modal by invoking the onShareEventClose callback.

modalContainerStyle - Returns the style object for the modal container.

modalContentStyle - Returns the style object for the modal content.

[backgroundColor]="'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)'"


  • get modalContainerStyle(): {
        position: string;
        top: number;
        left: number;
        width: string;
        height: string;
        backgroundColor: string;
        display: string;
        zIndex: number;
  • Returns {
        position: string;
        top: number;
        left: number;
        width: string;
        height: string;
        backgroundColor: string;
        display: string;
        zIndex: number;

    • position: string
    • top: number
    • left: number
    • width: string
    • height: string
    • backgroundColor: string
    • display: string
    • zIndex: number
  • get modalContentStyle(): {
        position: string;
        backgroundColor: string;
        borderRadius: string;
        padding: string;
        width: string;
        maxHeight: string;
        overflowY: string;
        top: string;
        bottom: string;
        left: string;
        right: string;
  • Returns {
        position: string;
        backgroundColor: string;
        borderRadius: string;
        padding: string;
        width: string;
        maxHeight: string;
        overflowY: string;
        top: string;
        bottom: string;
        left: string;
        right: string;

    • position: string
    • backgroundColor: string
    • borderRadius: string
    • padding: string
    • width: string
    • maxHeight: string
    • overflowY: string
    • top: string
    • bottom: string
    • left: string
    • right: string




backgroundColor: string = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)'

Background color of the modal content.

isShareEventModalVisible: boolean = false

Visibility state of the share event modal.

onShareEventClose: (() => void)

Callback function to handle modal close event.

roomName: string

Name of the room to be shared.

adminPasscode: string

Admin passcode for the room.

islevel: string

Level of the event (e.g., admin, user).

position: string = 'topRight'

Position of the modal on the screen (e.g., topRight, bottomLeft).

shareButtons: boolean = true

Flag to display share buttons in the modal.

eventType: EventType

Type of event (e.g., chat, broadcast, webinar).

localLink: string = ''

Local link for the event (Community Edition server).

faTimes: IconDefinition = faTimes