Class ScreenboardModal

ScreenboardModal component for handling screen annotation and modal visibility.





CommonModule, FormsModule, FontAwesomeModule


OnInit, OnDestroy, OnChanges, AfterViewInit

This component is responsible for managing the screen annotation modal, including showing and hiding the modal, handling screen annotations, and managing media streams.

ngOnInit - Initialization logic that does not depend on the view.

ngOnDestroy - Cleanup logic when the component is destroyed.

ngOnChanges - Logic to handle changes in input properties.

ngAfterViewInit - Logic that requires view access.

showModal - Method to show the modal and handle screen annotation setup.

hideModal - Method to hide the modal and cleanup screen annotation.

annotatationPreview - Method to handle the preview of screen annotations.

handleScreenTransport - Method to handle screen transport logic.

stopAnnotation - Method to stop the screen annotation.

stopAllTracks - Method to stop all media tracks.

The screenboard modal component.



  • OnInit
  • OnDestroy
  • OnChanges
  • AfterViewInit




parameters: ScreenboardModalParameters = ...

Input parameter for screen annotation modal.

isVisible: boolean = false

Input flag to control the visibility of the modal.

onClose: (() => void)

Input callback function to be called when the modal is closed.

position: string = 'topRight'

Input string to set the position of the modal.

backgroundColor: string = '#83c0e9'

Input string to set the background color of the modal.

screenVideoRef: ElementRef<HTMLVideoElement>

ViewChild reference to the screen video element.

screenCanvasRef: ElementRef<HTMLCanvasElement>

ViewChild reference to the screen canvas element.

faTimes: IconDefinition = faTimes

FontAwesome icon for the close button.