Class ResumeSendTransportAudio

Resumes the send transport for audio and updates the UI and audio producer state accordingly.

This function supports both a primary and a local audio producer, delegating the local logic to a separate function.

The options for resuming the send transport.

The parameters for resuming the send transport.

The primary audio producer to resume.

The local audio producer to resume.

The level of the audio producer.

The label for the host.

Indicates if the screen is locked.

Indicates if the screen is shared.

Indicates if the video is already on.

Function to update the audio producer state.

Function to update the local audio producer state.

Function to update the main window.

Function to prepopulate user media.

A promise that resolves when the send transport is resumed and the UI is updated.

Throws an error if there is an issue during the process of resuming the audio send transport.

await resumeSendTransportAudio({
parameters: {
audioProducer: producer,
localAudioProducer: localProducer,
islevel: '1',
hostLabel: 'Host',
lock_screen: false,
shared: false,
updateAudioProducer: updateProducerFunction,
updateLocalAudioProducer: updateLocalProducerFunction,
videoAlreadyOn: false,
updateUpdateMainWindow: updateWindowFunction,
prepopulateUserMedia: prepopulateFunction,
prepopulateLocalUserMedia: prepopulateLocalFunction,



  • Resumes the send transport for audio and updates the UI and audio producer state accordingly.

    This function supports both a primary and a local audio producer, delegating the local logic to a separate function.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the send transport is resumed and the UI is updated.

    Throws an error if there is an issue during the process of resuming the audio send transport.

    await resumeSendTransportAudio({
    parameters: {
    audioProducer: producer,
    localAudioProducer: localProducer,
    islevel: '1',
    hostLabel: 'Host',
    lock_screen: false,
    shared: false,
    updateAudioProducer: updateProducerFunction,
    updateLocalAudioProducer: updateLocalProducerFunction,
    videoAlreadyOn: false,
    updateUpdateMainWindow: updateWindowFunction,
    prepopulateUserMedia: prepopulateFunction,
    prepopulateLocalUserMedia: prepopulateLocalFunction,