Class ResumePauseStreams

Resumes or pauses streams based on the provided parameters.

This method processes the current participant states and the active display names to determine which audio and video streams should be resumed or paused. It communicates with the server to resume streams as necessary.

The options for resuming or pausing streams.

The parameters for the function.

The list of participants in the session.

The list of active display names.

The list of consumer transports.

The screen producer ID if applicable.

The level of the user (e.g., participant or host).

A promise that resolves when the streams have been resumed or paused.

Will throw an error if there is an issue during the process of resuming or pausing streams.

await resumePauseStreams({
parameters: {
participants: [...], // Array of participants
dispActiveNames: ['Alice', 'Bob'], // Active display names
consumerTransports: [...], // Array of consumer transports
screenId: 'screen123', // Screen producer ID
islevel: '1', // User level
getUpdatedAllParams: myGetUpdatedFunction, // Function to get updated params





  • Resumes or pauses streams based on the provided parameters.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the streams have been resumed or paused.

    Will throw an error if there is an issue during the process of resuming or pausing streams.