Class RequestScreenShare

Requests to start screen sharing.

This method initiates a screen sharing request and handles the response from the server to determine if screen sharing is allowed. It also configures the target resolution for the screen share based on the user's input and parameters.

The options for requesting screen share.

The parameters for the screen share request.

The socket instance to communicate with the server.

Optional function to show alerts to the user.

Indicates if the user is in local UI mode.

The target resolution for screen sharing.

The target resolution for the host screen.

Function to start screen sharing.

A promise that resolves when the screen share request is processed.

Throws an error if there is an issue during the screen share request process.

await requestScreenShare({
parameters: {
socket: mySocket,
localUIMode: false,
targetResolution: 'fhd',
startShareScreen: myStartShareScreenFunction,
showAlert: myShowAlertFunction,





  • Requests to start screen sharing.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the screen share request is processed.

    Throws an error if there is an issue during the screen share request process.