Reorders the video streams based on the provided options and updates the UI accordingly.
This method handles the logic for reordering streams in a video conferencing application,
managing the addition and arrangement of streams based on various conditions such as
participant roles, screen sharing status, and current streams.
Reorders the video streams based on the provided options and updates the UI accordingly.
This method handles the logic for reordering streams in a video conferencing application, managing the addition and arrangement of streams based on various conditions such as participant roles, screen sharing status, and current streams.
Param: options
The options for reordering streams.
Param: options.add
Whether to add new streams or not.
Param: options.screenChanged
Whether the screen has changed or not.
Param: options.parameters
The parameters required for reordering streams.
Param: options.parameters.allVideoStreams
Array of all video streams.
Param: options.parameters.participants
Array of participants.
Param: options.parameters.oldAllStreams
Array of old streams.
Param: options.parameters.screenId
ID of the screen.
Param: options.parameters.adminVidID
ID of the admin video.
Param: options.parameters.newLimitedStreams
Array of new limited streams.
Param: options.parameters.newLimitedStreamsIDs
Array of new limited stream IDs.
Param: options.parameters.activeSounds
Array of active sounds.
Param: options.parameters.screenShareIDStream
ID of the screen share stream.
Param: options.parameters.screenShareNameStream
Name of the screen share stream.
Param: options.parameters.adminIDStream
ID of the admin stream.
Param: options.parameters.adminNameStream
Name of the admin stream.
Param: options.parameters.updateNewLimitedStreams
Function to update new limited streams.
Param: options.parameters.updateNewLimitedStreamsIDs
Function to update new limited stream IDs.
Param: options.parameters.updateActiveSounds
Function to update active sounds.
Param: options.parameters.updateScreenShareIDStream
Function to update screen share ID stream.
Param: options.parameters.updateScreenShareNameStream
Function to update screen share name stream.
Param: options.parameters.updateAdminIDStream
Function to update admin ID stream.
Param: options.parameters.updateAdminNameStream
Function to update admin name stream.
Param: options.parameters.updateYouYouStream
Function to update YouYou stream.
Param: options.parameters.changeVids
Function to reflect changes on the UI.
A promise that resolves when the reordering is complete.
Will throw an error if there is an issue during the reordering process.