Class RecordingNotice

Service for handling recording notices, managing recording states, and updating related parameters.


Provides methods to handle the recording notice state, manage user recording parameters, and play appropriate sounds for different states.


The options for recording notices:

  • state {string}: The current recording state (pause, stop, etc.).
  • userRecordingParam {UserRecordingParams | null}: The user recording parameters (if available).
  • pauseCount {number}: The number of pauses in the recording.
  • timeDone {number}: The total recording time completed.
  • parameters {RecordingNoticeParameters}: Functions and properties to update recording details.
    • updateRecordElapsedTime {Function}: Updates elapsed recording time.
    • updateShowRecordButtons {Function}: Toggles record button visibility.
    • updateRecordState {Function}: Sets the record state (e.g., red, green, yellow).
    • updatePauseRecordCount {Function}: Sets the pause record count.
    • updateRecordStarted, updateRecordPaused, updateCanLaunchRecord, etc.: Other update functions to control recording settings and states.

Resolves when the recording state and parameters have been updated.

const options = {
state: 'pause',
userRecordingParam: { mainSpecs: { mediaOptions: 'audio', ... } },
pauseCount: 3,
timeDone: 3600,
parameters: {
updateRecordStarted: (started) => console.log(`Recording started: ${started}`),
updateRecordPaused: (paused) => console.log(`Recording paused: ${paused}`),
// Define other update functions similarly
await recordingNoticeService.RecordingNotice(options);



