Updates the interaction state based on the provided options and parameters.
This method handles the updating of participant interactions based on the event type, screen sharing status,
and various other parameters. It manages the addition and removal of streams in the context of screen sharing
and video/audio management.
Param: options
The options for updating the interaction.
Param: options.name
The name of the participant.
Param: options.add
Whether to add the participant to the interaction.
Param: options.force
Whether to force the update.
Param: options.average
The average value used for determining reorder intervals.
Param: options.parameters
The parameters for updating the interaction.
Param: options.parameters.screenPageLimit
The screen page limit.
Param: options.parameters.itemPageLimit
The item page limit.
Param: options.parameters.reorderInterval
The reorder interval.
Param: options.parameters.fastReorderInterval
The fast reorder interval.
Param: options.parameters.eventType
The type of event (e.g., "broadcast", "chat", "conference").
Updates the interaction state based on the provided options and parameters.
This method handles the updating of participant interactions based on the event type, screen sharing status, and various other parameters. It manages the addition and removal of streams in the context of screen sharing and video/audio management.
Param: options
The options for updating the interaction.
Param: options.name
The name of the participant.
Param: options.add
Whether to add the participant to the interaction.
Param: options.force
Whether to force the update.
Param: options.average
The average value used for determining reorder intervals.
Param: options.parameters
The parameters for updating the interaction.
Param: options.parameters.screenPageLimit
The screen page limit.
Param: options.parameters.itemPageLimit
The item page limit.
Param: options.parameters.reorderInterval
The reorder interval.
Param: options.parameters.fastReorderInterval
The fast reorder interval.
Param: options.parameters.eventType
The type of event (e.g., "broadcast", "chat", "conference").
Param: options.parameters.participants
The list of participants.
Param: options.parameters.allVideoStreams
The list of all video streams.
Param: options.parameters.shared
Indicates if the screen is shared.
Param: options.parameters.shareScreenStarted
Indicates if screen sharing has started.
Param: options.parameters.adminNameStream
The admin name stream.
Param: options.parameters.screenShareNameStream
The screen share name stream.
Param: options.parameters.updateMainWindow
Whether to update the main window.
Param: options.parameters.sortAudioLoudness
Whether to sort audio by loudness.
Param: options.parameters.lastReorderTime
The last reorder time.
Param: options.parameters.newLimitedStreams
The list of new limited streams.
Param: options.parameters.newLimitedStreamsIDs
The list of new limited stream IDs.
Param: options.parameters.oldSoundIds
The list of old sound IDs.
Param: options.parameters.updateUpdateMainWindow
Function to update the main window.
Param: options.parameters.updateSortAudioLoudness
Function to update the audio loudness sorting.
Param: options.parameters.updateLastReorderTime
Function to update the last reorder time.
Param: options.parameters.updateNewLimitedStreams
Function to update the new limited streams.
Param: options.parameters.updateNewLimitedStreamsIDs
Function to update the new limited stream IDs.
Param: options.parameters.updateOldSoundIds
Function to update the old sound IDs.
Param: options.parameters.onScreenChanges
Function to handle screen changes.
Param: options.parameters.reorderStreams
Function to reorder streams.
Param: options.parameters.changeVids
Function to change videos.
A promise that resolves when the interaction update is complete.
Throws an error if there is an issue during the interaction update.