Class ProducerMediaResumed

Service to handle resuming media for a specific participant in a meeting.


Resumes media (audio only) for a participant and updates the meeting display based on the meeting layout and participant status.


Options to control media resumption:

  • name {string}: Name of the participant whose media is to be resumed.
  • parameters {ProducerMediaResumedParameters}: Meeting and participant-specific configurations.
    • meetingDisplayType {string}: Type of meeting display (e.g., "media").
    • participants {Participant[]}: List of participants in the meeting.
    • shared {boolean}: Indicates if the screen is currently shared.
    • shareScreenStarted {boolean}: Indicates if screen sharing has started.
    • mainScreenFilled {boolean}: Indicates if the main screen is filled.
    • hostLabel {string}: Label or name of the host.
    • updateUpdateMainWindow {Function}: Function to update the main window display.
    • reorderStreams {Function}: Function to manage stream ordering when display changes.
    • prepopulateUserMedia {Function}: Function to preload user media for the main screen.

Resolves when media for the specified participant has resumed.

const options = {
name: 'Participant A',
parameters: {
meetingDisplayType: 'media',
participants: [...],
shared: false,
shareScreenStarted: false,
mainScreenFilled: false,
hostLabel: 'Host',
updateUpdateMainWindow: (updateMainWindow) => { ... },
reorderStreams: ({ add, screenChanged, parameters }) => { ... },
prepopulateUserMedia: ({ name, parameters }) => { ... }

.then(() => console.log('Media resumed'))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));



