PreJoinPage component for handling room creation and joining on MediaSFU.





[CommonModule, ReactiveFormsModule]

This component provides functionality for users to create or join a room on MediaSFU. It includes form validation, error handling, and API requests to the MediaSFU service.

FormBuilder service for creating form groups.

HttpClient service for making HTTP requests.

CookieService for managing cookies.


Lifecycle hook that is called after data-bound properties are initialized.


Toggles between create and join modes and resets the error message.


Handles the creation of a room on MediaSFU. Validates form inputs, sends a request to create a room, and handles the response.


Handles joining a room on MediaSFU. Validates form inputs, sends a request to join a room, and handles the response.


Checks rate limits and makes a request to connect to a room. Handles unsuccessful attempts and updates the state accordingly.


Sends a request to create a room on MediaSFU.

Parameters for the request.

Payload for the request.

API username.

API key.

Response from the API.


Sends a request to join a room on MediaSFU.

Parameters for the request.

Payload for the request.

API username.

API key.

Response from the API.

[credentials]="{ apiUserName: 'username', apiKey: 'apiKey' }"


  • OnInit



  • A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked the directive's data-bound properties for the first time, and before any of the view or content children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.

    Returns void


parameters: PreJoinPageParameters = ...

Input parameters for the component.

credentials: Credentials = ...

API credentials for MediaSFU.

localLink: undefined | string = ""
connectMediaSFU: undefined | boolean = true
returnUI?: boolean
createMediaSFURoom?: CreateRoomOnMediaSFUType
joinMediaSFURoom?: JoinRoomOnMediaSFUType
isCreateMode: boolean = false

Flag to toggle between create and join modes.

preJoinForm: FormGroup<any>

Form group for pre-join form.

error: string = ''

Error message to display.

imgSrc: string = ...
localConnected: boolean = false
localData: undefined | ResponseLocalConnectionData = undefined
initSocket: undefined | Socket<DefaultEventsMap, DefaultEventsMap> = undefined
pending: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = ...