Service to manage new pipe producer events, update state, and handle screen orientation for optimal experience.
newPipeProducer Handles the setup of a new pipe producer and manages user notifications or orientation changes as needed.
Options for setting up a new pipe producer.
Unique ID for the new producer.
Level designation for the producer.
The socket used for communication.
Parameters to configure the new pipe producer.
A promise that completes when the new pipe producer is set up.
await newPipeProducerService.newPipeProducer({ producerId: 'producer123', islevel: '2', nsock: mySocket, parameters: { first_round: true, shareScreenStarted: false, shared: false, landScaped: false, showAlert: alertFunction, isWideScreen: true, updateFirst_round: updateFirstRoundFunction, updateLandScaped: updateLandScapedFunction, device: myDevice, consumingTransports: [], connectRecvTransport: connectRecvTransportFunction, reorderStreams: reorderStreamsFunction, getUpdatedAllParams: getUpdatedParamsFunction, }}); Copy
await newPipeProducerService.newPipeProducer({ producerId: 'producer123', islevel: '2', nsock: mySocket, parameters: { first_round: true, shareScreenStarted: false, shared: false, landScaped: false, showAlert: alertFunction, isWideScreen: true, updateFirst_round: updateFirstRoundFunction, updateLandScaped: updateLandScapedFunction, device: myDevice, consumingTransports: [], connectRecvTransport: connectRecvTransportFunction, reorderStreams: reorderStreamsFunction, getUpdatedAllParams: getUpdatedParamsFunction, }});
Handles new pipe producer events and updates relevant states.
The options object containing necessary variables.
Service to manage new pipe producer events, update state, and handle screen orientation for optimal experience.
newPipeProducer Handles the setup of a new pipe producer and manages user notifications or orientation changes as needed.
Param: options
Options for setting up a new pipe producer.
Param: options.producerId
Unique ID for the new producer.
Param: options.islevel
Level designation for the producer.
Param: options.nsock
The socket used for communication.
Param: options.parameters
Parameters to configure the new pipe producer.
A promise that completes when the new pipe producer is set up.