Class NewPipeProducer


Service to manage new pipe producer events, update state, and handle screen orientation for optimal experience.

newPipeProducer Handles the setup of a new pipe producer and manages user notifications or orientation changes as needed.

Options for setting up a new pipe producer.

Unique ID for the new producer.

Level designation for the producer.

The socket used for communication.

Parameters to configure the new pipe producer.

A promise that completes when the new pipe producer is set up.

await newPipeProducerService.newPipeProducer({
producerId: 'producer123',
islevel: '2',
nsock: mySocket,
parameters: {
first_round: true,
shareScreenStarted: false,
shared: false,
landScaped: false,
showAlert: alertFunction,
isWideScreen: true,
updateFirst_round: updateFirstRoundFunction,
updateLandScaped: updateLandScapedFunction,
device: myDevice,
consumingTransports: [],
connectRecvTransport: connectRecvTransportFunction,
reorderStreams: reorderStreamsFunction,
getUpdatedAllParams: getUpdatedParamsFunction,



