Toggles the visibility state of the requests modal.
Param: options
The options for launching requests.
Param: options.updateIsRequestsModalVisible
Function to update the visibility state of the requests modal.
Param: options.isRequestsModalVisible
Current visibility state of the requests modal.
This method is used to open or close the requests modal by toggling its visibility state.
It takes the current visibility state as input and updates it accordingly.
Toggles the visibility state of the requests modal.
Param: options
The options for launching requests.
Param: options.updateIsRequestsModalVisible
Function to update the visibility state of the requests modal.
Param: options.isRequestsModalVisible
Current visibility state of the requests modal.
This method is used to open or close the requests modal by toggling its visibility state. It takes the current visibility state as input and updates it accordingly.