Class LaunchRecording

Launches the recording process based on various conditions and updates the UI accordingly.

The options for launching the recording.

Function to update the visibility of the recording modal.

Indicates if the recording modal is currently visible.

Optional function to show an alert message.

Indicates if the recording launch should be stopped.

Indicates if the recording can be launched.

Indicates if audio recording is supported.

Indicates if video recording is supported.

Function to update the recording capability.

Function to update the cleared-to-record status.

Indicates if the recording has started.

Indicates if the recording is paused.

Indicates if the local UI mode is active.

Will show an alert if:

  • The recording has already ended or the user is not allowed to record.
  • The recording initiation is not allowed due to insufficient permissions.
  • The recording is currently running and cannot be reconfigured unless paused.
const options: LaunchRecordingOptions = {
updateIsRecordingModalVisible: (visible) => { /* update visibility logic */ },
isRecordingModalVisible: false,
showAlert: (alert) => { /* show alert logic */ },
stopLaunchRecord: false,
canLaunchRecord: true,
recordingAudioSupport: true,
recordingVideoSupport: true,
updateCanRecord: (canRecord) => { /* update record capability */ },
updateClearedToRecord: (cleared) => { /* update cleared status */ },
recordStarted: false,
recordPaused: false,
localUIMode: false,



