This method checks the current visibility state of the participants modal
and updates it accordingly. If the modal is currently visible, it will be hidden.
If it is hidden, it will be displayed.
Param: options
The options for toggling the participants modal.
Param: options.updateIsParticipantsModalVisible
Function to update the visibility state of the participants modal.
Param: options.isParticipantsModalVisible
Current visibility state of the participants modal.
constlaunchParticipantsService = newLaunchParticipants(); launchParticipantsService.launchParticipants({ updateIsParticipantsModalVisible: (isVisible) => { console.log(`Participants modal is now ${isVisible?'visible':'hidden'}`); }, isParticipantsModalVisible:false, });
Toggles the visibility of the participants modal.
This method checks the current visibility state of the participants modal and updates it accordingly. If the modal is currently visible, it will be hidden. If it is hidden, it will be displayed.
Param: options
The options for toggling the participants modal.
Param: options.updateIsParticipantsModalVisible
Function to update the visibility state of the participants modal.
Param: options.isParticipantsModalVisible
Current visibility state of the participants modal.