Checks the MediaSFU URL and processes the necessary actions based on the URL's validity.
The options for checking and handling the MediaSFU URL.
A promise that resolves when the actions are complete.
const options = {
data: {
mediasfuURL: "",
allowRecord: true,
apiKey: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234",
apiUserName: "user123",
member: "user123",
roomName: "s12345678",
islevel: "1",
socket: socketInstance,
parameters: {
someParameter: "value",
joinMediaSFURoom: joinRoomOnMediaSFU,
localLink: "",
try {
await checkMediasfuURL(options);
console.log("MediaSFU URL processed successfully.");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to process MediaSFU URL:", error);
Checks the MediaSFU URL and processes the necessary actions based on the URL's validity.
Param: options
The options for checking and handling the MediaSFU URL.
The data received from the room join response.
Param: options.member
The member identifier.
Param: options.roomName
The name of the room to join.
Param: options.islevel
The level of the user.
Param: options.socket
The socket instance to use for communication.
Param: options.parameters
Additional parameters for pre-join page actions.
Param: options.joinMediaSFURoom
The function to join a room on MediaSFU.
Param: options.localLink
The local link to use for Community Edition.
A promise that resolves when the actions are complete.