Class GeneratePageContent

Generates the content for a specific page.

The options for generating page content.

The page number to generate content for.

The parameters required for generating content.

The streams to be paginated.

The current page of the user.

Function to update the main window flag.

Function to update the current user page.

Function to update the main window update flag.

Function to display streams for the specified page.

The break room identifier.

Flag indicating if the user is in a break room.

A promise that resolves when the content generation is complete.

Throws an error if content generation fails.

const options = {
page: 1,
parameters: {
paginatedStreams: [
// Page 0 streams
[stream1, stream2],
// Page 1 streams
[stream3, stream4],
currentUserPage: 0,
updateMainWindow: false,
updateCurrentUserPage: (page) => { console.log(`Current page updated to: ${page}`); },
updateUpdateMainWindow: (flag) => { console.log(`Main window update flag: ${flag}`); },
dispStreams: async ({ lStreams, ind }) => {
console.log(`Displaying streams for page ${ind}:`, lStreams);
getUpdatedAllParams: () => options.parameters,
breakRoom: -1,
inBreakRoom: false,

const generatePageContentService = new GeneratePageContent();
await generatePageContentService.generatePageContent(options);



