Class ConfirmRecording

Confirms the recording settings based on the provided parameters and updates the recording state.

The options for confirming the recording.

The parameters for the recording, including:

  • {ShowAlert} [options.parameters.showAlert] - Optional function to show alert messages.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingMediaOptions - Type of media being recorded ("video" or "audio").
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingAudioOptions - Audio recording options.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingVideoOptions - Video recording options.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingVideoType - Type of video recording.
  • {'video' | 'media' | 'all'} options.parameters.recordingDisplayType - The display type for the recording.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingNameTags - Flag for including name tags in the recording.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingBackgroundColor - Background color for the recording.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingNameTagsColor - Color for the name tags.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingOrientationVideo - Orientation for video recording.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingAddHLS - Flag for adding HLS support.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingAddText - Flag for adding custom text.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingCustomText - Custom text for the recording.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingCustomTextPosition - Position of the custom text.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingCustomTextColor - Color of the custom text.
  • {string} options.parameters.meetingDisplayType - Current display type of the meeting.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingVideoParticipantsFullRoomSupport - Support for video participants in full room.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingAllParticipantsSupport - Support for recording all participants.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingVideoParticipantsSupport - Support for video participants.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingSupportForOtherOrientation - Support for other orientations.
  • {string} options.parameters.recordingPreferredOrientation - Preferred orientation for recording.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingMultiFormatsSupport - Support for multiple formats.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingVideoOptimized - Flag for video optimization.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.recordingAllParticipantsFullRoomSupport - Support for recording all participants in full room.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.meetingVideoOptimized - Flag for meeting video optimization.
  • {EventType} options.parameters.eventType - Type of the event.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.breakOutRoomStarted - Indicates if a breakout room has started.
  • {boolean} options.parameters.breakOutRoomEnded - Indicates if a breakout room has ended.
  • {Function} options.parameters.updateRecordingDisplayType - Function to update the recording display type.
  • {Function} options.parameters.updateRecordingVideoOptimized - Function to update video optimization status.
  • {Function} options.parameters.updateUserRecordingParams - Function to update user recording parameters.
  • {Function} options.parameters.updateConfirmedToRecord - Function to confirm the recording.

A promise that resolves when the recording settings have been confirmed.

This function performs several checks to ensure that the recording settings are valid based on the provided parameters. If any of the checks fail, an alert is shown and the function returns early without updating the recording state.

The function checks for the following conditions:

  • Whether recording videos of all participants is allowed.
  • Whether recording all participants is allowed.
  • Whether recording other video participants is allowed.
  • Whether recording all orientations is allowed.
  • Whether recording the preferred orientation is allowed.
  • Whether recording all formats is allowed.
  • Whether the recording display type is valid based on the meeting display type.
  • Whether recording all participants with media is allowed.

If all checks pass, the function constructs the mainSpecs, dispSpecs, and textSpecs objects based on the state variables, updates the user recording parameters, and confirms the recording.

const options: ConfirmRecordingOptions = { parameters: someParameters };
await confirmRecording(options);





  • Confirms the recording settings based on the provided parameters and updates the recording state.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the recording settings have been confirmed.

    This function performs several checks to ensure that the recording settings are valid based on the provided parameters. If any of the checks fail, an alert is shown and the function returns early without updating the recording state.

    The function checks for the following conditions:

    • Whether recording videos of all participants is allowed.
    • Whether recording all participants is allowed.
    • Whether recording other video participants is allowed.
    • Whether recording all orientations is allowed.
    • Whether recording the preferred orientation is allowed.
    • Whether recording all formats is allowed.
    • Whether the recording display type is valid based on the meeting display type.
    • Whether recording all participants with media is allowed.

    If all checks pass, the function constructs the mainSpecs, dispSpecs, and textSpecs objects based on the state variables, updates the user recording parameters, and confirms the recording.

    const options: ConfirmRecordingOptions = { parameters: someParameters };
    await confirmRecording(options);