Class CloseAndResize

Closes and resizes the video and audio elements based on the provided options.

The options for closing and resizing.

The ID of the producer.

The kind of media (audio, video, screenshare, or screen).

The parameters for the operation.

Function to get updated parameters.

Array of all audio streams.

Array of all video streams.

Array of active participant names.

Array of participants.

Array of stream names.

Type of recording display.

Whether recording is video optimized.

ID of the admin stream.

Array of new limited streams.

Array of new limited stream IDs.

Array of old all streams.

Whether screen sharing has started.

Whether sharing is active.

Type of meeting display.

Whether to defer receiving.

Whether the screen is locked.

Whether it is the first all.

Whether it is the first round.

Whether all videos are received.

Type of event.

Label of the host.

Whether sharing has ended.

Whether to update the main window.

Function to update active names.

Function to update all audio streams.

Function to update all video streams.

Function to update share screen started status.

Function to update main window status.

Function to update new limited streams.

Function to update old all streams.

Function to update defer receive status.

Function to update main height and width.

Function to update share ended status.

Function to update lock screen status.

Function to update first all status.

Function to update first round status.

Function to reorder streams.

Function to prepopulate user media.

Function to get videos.

Function to report.

A promise that resolves when the operation is complete.

const options = {
producerId: '12345',
kind: 'video',
parameters: {
getUpdatedAllParams: () => { /* Logic to get updated parameters */ },
allAudioStreams: [],
allVideoStreams: [],
activeNames: ['Participant1', 'Participant2'],
participants: [],
streamNames: [],
recordingDisplayType: 'video',
recordingVideoOptimized: true,
adminIDStream: 'admin123',
newLimitedStreams: [],
newLimitedStreamsIDs: [],
oldAllStreams: [],
shareScreenStarted: false,
shared: false,
meetingDisplayType: 'media',
defer_receive: false,
lock_screen: false,
firstAll: false,
first_round: false,
gotAllVids: false,
eventType: 'conference',
hostLabel: 'Host',
shareEnded: false,
updateMainWindow: false,
updateActiveNames: (names) => { /* Logic to update active names */ },
updateAllAudioStreams: (streams) => { /* Logic to update audio streams */ },
updateShareScreenStarted: (status) => { /* Logic to update share screen status */ },
updateUpdateMainWindow: (status) => { /* Logic to update main window status */ },
updateNewLimitedStreams: (streams) => { /* Logic to update new limited streams */ },
updateOldAllStreams: (streams) => { /* Logic to update old streams */ },
updateDefer_receive: (status) => { /* Logic to update defer receive status */ },
updateMainHeightWidth: (size) => { /* Logic to update main height and width */ },
updateShareEnded: (status) => { /* Logic to update share ended status */ },
updateLock_screen: (status) => { /* Logic to update lock screen status */ },
updateFirstAll: (status) => { /* Logic to update first all status */ },
updateFirst_round: (status) => { /* Logic to update first round status */ },
reorderStreams: async () => { /* Logic to reorder streams */ },
prepopulateUserMedia: async () => { /* Logic to prepopulate user media */ },
getVideos: async () => { /* Logic to get videos */ },
rePort: async () => { /* Logic to report */ },

await closeAndResizeService.closeAndResize(options);
// The operation will adjust the video and audio elements as per the given parameters.



