Class BanParticipant

Service to handle banning a participant from the session.


This service provides a method to remove a participant from active lists and update the session's participant array, followed by reordering the streams.


The options for banning a participant.

The name of the participant to be banned.

Parameters required for the banning operation.

Array of active participant names.

Array of display participant names.

Array of current session participants.

Function to update the participants array.

Function to reorder the streams after removing the participant.

A promise that resolves when the participant has been banned and streams reordered.

const banParticipantService = new BanParticipant();
await banParticipantService.banParticipant({
name: 'John Doe',
parameters: {
activeNames: ['John Doe', 'Jane Smith'],
dispActiveNames: ['John Doe', 'Jane Smith'],
participants: [{ name: 'John Doe', isBanned: false }, { name: 'Jane Smith', isBanned: false }],
updateParticipants: (updated) => console.log(updated),
reorderStreams: async () => { }





  • Bans a participant from the session by removing them from the active and display names arrays, updating the participants list, and reordering the streams.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the participant has been banned and streams reordered.