Class AllWaitingRoomMembers

Service to handle updating the list and count of waiting room participants.


This service updates the waiting room participants list and the total count of participants waiting to join.


The options for updating the waiting room data.

An array of participants currently in the waiting room.

Function to update the waiting room participants list.

Function to update the total count of waiting room participants.

A promise that resolves when the updates to the waiting room data are complete.

const allWaitingRoomMembersService = new AllWaitingRoomMembers();
await allWaitingRoomMembersService.allWaitingRoomMembers({
waitingParticipants: [{ name: 'John Doe', isApproved: false }],
updateWaitingRoomList: (participants) => console.log(participants),
updateTotalReqWait: (total) => console.log(`Total requests: ${total}`)

