Manages participant settings and UI updates, including connecting IPs, reordering streams,
updating settings, and handling participant display based on various session parameters.
Param: options
Parameters for managing members.
Param: options.members
The array of participant objects.
Param: options.settings
The session settings for audio, video, screenshare, and chat.
Param: options.coHoste
The current co-host name.
Param: options.coHostRes
The responsibilities assigned to the co-host.
Param: options.parameters
Additional parameters for managing members and UI updates.
Param: options.consume_sockets
Array of sockets for participant communication.
Param: options.apiUserName
API username for authentication.
Param: options.apiKey
API key for authentication.
Param: options.apiToken
API token for authentication.
A promise that resolves when updates and changes for members are completed.
Manages participant settings and UI updates, including connecting IPs, reordering streams, updating settings, and handling participant display based on various session parameters.
Param: options
Parameters for managing members.
Param: options.members
The array of participant objects.
Param: options.settings
The session settings for audio, video, screenshare, and chat.
Param: options.coHoste
The current co-host name.
Param: options.coHostRes
The responsibilities assigned to the co-host.
Param: options.parameters
Additional parameters for managing members and UI updates.
Param: options.consume_sockets
Array of sockets for participant communication.
Param: options.apiUserName
API username for authentication.
Param: options.apiKey
API key for authentication.
Param: options.apiToken
API token for authentication.
A promise that resolves when updates and changes for members are completed.