connectSocket function
- ConnectSocketOptions options
Connects to a media socket with the specified options. Validates the API key or token and initiates a socket connection.
Throws an exception if inputs are invalid or if connection fails.
Example usage:
final options = ConnectSocketOptions(
apiUserName: "user123",
apiKey: "yourApiKeyHere",
link: "",
try {
final socket = await connectSocket(options);
print("Connected to socket with ID: ${}");
} catch (error) {
print("Failed to connect to socket: $error");
Future<io.Socket> connectSocket(ConnectSocketOptions options) async {
// Input validation
if (options.apiUserName.isEmpty) throw Exception('API username required.');
if ((options.apiKey?.isEmpty ?? true) &&
(options.apiToken?.isEmpty ?? true)) {
throw Exception('API key or token required.');
if ( throw Exception('Socket link required.');
// Validate API key or token format
bool useKey = false;
try {
if (options.apiKey?.length == 64 &&
await validateApiKeyToken(options.apiKey!)) {
useKey = true;
} else if (options.apiToken?.length == 64 &&
await validateApiKeyToken(options.apiToken!)) {
useKey = false;
} else {
throw Exception('Invalid API key or token format.');
} catch (error) {
throw Exception('Invalid API key or token.');
// Configure socket options based on whether apiKey or apiToken is used
final query = useKey
? {'apiUserName': options.apiUserName, 'apiKey': options.apiKey}
: {'apiUserName': options.apiUserName, 'apiToken': options.apiToken};
final socket ='${}/media', {
'transports': ['websocket'],
'query': query,
// Determine the socket connection path
String conn = 'media';
try {
if ('') &&
(RegExp('c').allMatches( > 1)) {
conn = 'consume';
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing
final completer = Completer<io.Socket>();
// Handle connection success
socket.onConnect((_) {
if (kDebugMode) print('Connected to $conn socket with ID: ${}');
// Handle connection error
socket.onConnectError((error) {
.completeError(Exception('Error connecting to media socket: $error'));
return completer.future;