stoppedRecording function

Future<void> stoppedRecording(
  1. StoppedRecordingOptions options

Displays an alert message when the recording has stopped, indicating the reason.

@param StoppedRecordingOptions options - Options for showing the recording stopped alert.

  • state: Should be "stop" to trigger the alert.
  • reason: Reason why the recording stopped.
  • showAlert: Optional function to display the alert message.

@returns Future<void> Resolves once the alert is shown, if applicable.

Example usage:

final options = StoppedRecordingOptions(
  state: "stop",
  reason: "The session ended",
  showAlert: (message, type, duration) => print("Alert: $message"),
// Output: "The recording has stopped - The session ended."


Future<void> stoppedRecording(StoppedRecordingOptions options) async {
  try {
    // Ensure the state is 'stop' before showing the alert
    if (options.state == 'stop') {
        message: 'The recording has stopped - ${options.reason}.',
        type: 'danger',
        duration: 3000,
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print("Error in stoppedRecording: $error");