screenProducerId function

void screenProducerId(
  1. ScreenProducerIdOptions options

Manages and updates screen sharing based on the producer ID.

@param ScreenProducerIdOptions options - The configuration options.

  • producerId: The producer's unique ID for screen sharing.
  • screenId: The current screen ID.
  • membersReceived: Indicates if member data has been received.
  • shareScreenStarted: Indicates if screen sharing has started.
  • deferScreenReceived: Indicates if screen sharing should be deferred.
  • participants: List of participants.
  • updateScreenId: Function to update the screen ID.
  • updateShareScreenStarted: Function to update the screen sharing status.
  • updateDeferScreenReceived: Function to update the defer screen sharing status.

Example usage:

final options = ScreenProducerIdOptions(
  producerId: 'abc123',
  screenId: 'screen1',
  membersReceived: true,
  shareScreenStarted: false,
  deferScreenReceived: false,
  participants: [Participant(screenId: 'screen1', screenOn: true)],
  updateScreenId: (id) => print('Screen ID updated to: $id'),
  updateShareScreenStarted: (started) => print('Share screen started: $started'),
  updateDeferScreenReceived: (received) => print('Defer screen received: $received'),



void screenProducerId(ScreenProducerIdOptions options) {
  // Check if members data has been received with the screenId participant in it
  final host = options.participants.firstWhere(
    (participant) =>
        participant.ScreenID == options.screenId &&
        participant.ScreenOn == true,
    orElse: () => Participant(
        ScreenID: '',
        ScreenOn: false,
        audioID: 'none',
        videoID: 'none',
        name: ''),

  // Update UI state based on conditions
  if ( && options.membersReceived) {
  } else {