producerMediaResumed function

Future<void> producerMediaResumed(
  1. ProducerMediaResumedOptions options

Resumes media for a specified participant in a meeting.

This function manages media resumption for a participant by optimizing the display and handling any prepopulated media or screen reordering as necessary. It first verifies the participant's status, checks if the main screen is filled, and then performs actions based on the meeting display type and participant's interest level.

  • If the participant is a key user (e.g., a high-interest level) and the main screen is not filled, the media is prepopulated, optimizing their display.
  • If the display type is 'media' and the participant has no active video, the function reorders the stream list to adjust the meeting view appropriately.


  • options (ProducerMediaResumedOptions): Contains the participant's name, media type, and additional configuration parameters for managing resumption.

Example usage:

final parameters = ProducerMediaResumedParameters(
  meetingDisplayType: "media",
  participants: [Participant(name: "John Doe", islevel: "2", videoID: "vid123")],
  shared: false,
  shareScreenStarted: false,
  mainScreenFilled: false,
  hostLabel: "Host",
  updateUpdateMainWindow: (update) => print("Main window updated: $update"),
  reorderStreams: ({required bool add, required bool screenChanged, required Map<String, dynamic> parameters}) async {
    print("Reordered streams");
  prepopulateUserMedia: ({required String name, required Map<String, dynamic> parameters}) {
    print("Prepopulating media for $name");

final options = ProducerMediaResumedOptions(
  name: "John Doe",
  kind: "audio",
  parameters: parameters,

await producerMediaResumed(options);


Future<void> producerMediaResumed(ProducerMediaResumedOptions options) async {
  final parameters = options.parameters;

  final participant = parameters.participants.firstWhere(
    (obj) => ==,
    orElse: () => Participant(name: '', islevel: '', videoID: '', audioID: ''),

  if ( &&
      !parameters.mainScreenFilled &&
      participant.islevel == '2') {
    final optionsPrepopulate = PrepopulateUserMediaOptions(
      name: parameters.hostLabel,
      parameters: parameters,

  bool hasVideo = false;
  if (parameters.meetingDisplayType == 'media') {
    hasVideo = participant.videoID.isNotEmpty && participant.videoID != "";
    if (!hasVideo && !(parameters.shareScreenStarted || parameters.shared)) {
      final optionsReorder = ReorderStreamsOptions(
        add: false,
        screenChanged: true,
        parameters: parameters,
      await parameters.reorderStreams(