producerMediaClosed function

Future<void> producerMediaClosed(
  1. ProducerMediaClosedOptions options

Handles the closure of a media producer's stream or screenshare.

This function identifies the transport associated with the given producerId, closes it, and updates shared states based on the kind of media.

If the producerId is found in the consumerTransports list, the associated transport and consumer are closed, and the consumerTransports list is updated accordingly. If the kind is screenshare or screen, and the media is shared, the share settings are reset.

Throws an error if any transport or consumer closure fails.

Example usage:

final parameters = ProducerMediaClosedOptions(
  producerId: 'abc123',
  kind: 'screenshare',
  parameters: myParameters,

await producerMediaClosed(
  producerId: parameters.producerId,
  kind: parameters.kind,
  parameters: parameters.parameters,
  • producerId (String): The ID of the producer to close.
  • kind (String): Type of media (e.g., 'video', 'screenshare').
  • parameters (ProducerMediaClosedParameters): Configuration and dependencies for handling the closure.


Future<void> producerMediaClosed(
  ProducerMediaClosedOptions options,
) async {
  final producerId = options.producerId;
  final kind = options.kind;
  final parameters = options.parameters;

  // Get updated parameters
  final updatedParameters = parameters.getUpdatedAllParams();

  final consumerTransports = updatedParameters.consumerTransports;
  final updateConsumerTransports = updatedParameters.updateConsumerTransports;
  final hostLabel = updatedParameters.hostLabel;
  final shared = updatedParameters.shared;
  final updateShared = updatedParameters.updateShared;
  final updateShareScreenStarted = updatedParameters.updateShareScreenStarted;
  final updateScreenId = updatedParameters.updateScreenId;
  final updateShareEnded = updatedParameters.updateShareEnded;
  final closeAndResize = updatedParameters.closeAndResize;
  final prepopulateUserMedia = updatedParameters.prepopulateUserMedia;
  final reorderStreams = updatedParameters.reorderStreams;

  // Find the transport for the producer to close
  TransportType? producerToClose = consumerTransports.firstWhereOrNull(
      (transportData) => transportData.producerId == producerId);

  if (producerToClose == null) {

  if (producerToClose.producerId.isNotEmpty) {
    try {
      await producerToClose['consumerTransport'].close();
    } catch (e) {
      // do nothing

    try {
    } catch (error) {
      if (kDebugMode) {
        print('Error closing consumer: $error');

    final updatedTransports = consumerTransports
          (transportData) => transportData.producerId != producerId,

    final optionsClose = CloseAndResizeOptions(
      producerId: producerId,
      kind: kind,
      parameters: updatedParameters,
    await closeAndResize(
  } else if (kind == 'screenshare' || kind == 'screen') {
    if (shared) {
    } else {
    final optionsPrepopulate = PrepopulateUserMediaOptions(
      name: hostLabel,
      parameters: updatedParameters,
    await prepopulateUserMedia(
    final optionsReorder = ReorderStreamsOptions(
      add: false,
      screenChanged: true,
      parameters: updatedParameters,
    await reorderStreams(